Cascade Asset
What is an Asset?
The Cascade CMS assets are any entities or objects used to build your web pages within Cascade CMS to generate content. These entities are:
- Page asset
- File asset
- Folder asset
- Navigation External Link asset
Actions for Asset
Page Asset
A Page asset is also known as a web page. A Page asset contains everything that represents a web page: A header, a footer, a navigation menu and content.
File Asset
A File asset can be any document or image. Documents can be in any of the following formats: *.doc, *.docx or *.pdf. Images can be in any of the following formats: *.jpg, *.png, or *.gif.
Folder Asset
A Folder asset is a container to organize your web pages. It could contain other folders, pages, or any other assets needed in your website. The folder for your main site is known as the Base Folder.
Navigation External Link Asset
A Navigation External Link asset is generally used to add a link to the left navigation.