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Disputing a Parking Citation
The Citation Appeal Process is provided for the review and processing of disputed parking citations involving violations of the California Vehicle Code and California State University East Bay Parking Policies relating to the parking of vehicles within the area of jurisdiction of California State University, East Bay. University Parking Services acknowledges that it is important that the adjudication process be fair and convenient from the viewpoint of those contesting alleged parking violation, while at the same time being efficient, centralized and uniform. The policies and procedures that have been established for the operation of the Citation Appeal Process are designed to be fair and efficient. It is the primary goal of the Citation Appeal Process to provide all individuals issued a parking violation a forum in which the facts of their case may be reviewed fairly and a disposition rendered in a timely manner.
Individuals who have received a parking citation have the right to appeal the citation under a three-step process outlined by the Vehicle Code Section 40215.
Parking Citation Dismissal Considerations
As specified in California Vehicle Code Section 40202 (f) “Under no circumstances shall a personal relationship with any officer, public official, or law enforcement agency be grounds for cancellation.”
Circumstances that may provide reason for cancellation of a parking citation generally includes the following categories.
Administrative error.
Administrative notification procedures and timetables specified by the California Vehicle Code was not followed in issuance or processing of a citation.
Officer erroneously cites a vehicle, or erroneously fills out a Notice of Parking violation in a manner that casts doubts as to the identification of the vehicle.
Misinformation by a University parking enforcement official results in the issuance of a parking citation.
Failure of the parking/traffic environment.
Control devices, signs or signals malfunction.
Emergency circumstances.
Verifiable personal or University emergency.
Laws or regulations exercised are not applicable to the situation or exercised in error.
When the citation is the result of obvious confusion in regards to parking regulations, lot or stall markings and/or signage. However, ignorance of the law is not a valid defense.
An individual cited for improper use of a disabled placard and who can show that he/she is the holder of, or authorized to use a disabled placard.
In the Interest of Justice - After reviewing all information, the Parking Administrator may determine that justice would not be served by imposing a penalty.
When an individual has shown that he/she went above and beyond in trying to comply with the University's parking regulations.