Parking Policies


Welcome to California State University, East Bay! CSUEB has approximately 4,600 parking spaces for 14,000 students, employees, and visitors. Because parking spaces are a limited resource, parking policies are in effect Mondays-Thursdays from 7:00am to 11:00pm and Fridays from 7:00am to 5:00pm on the Hayward and Concord locations (see "Parking Fees Required" for Concord Center parking fee updates). Since a credible enforcement program is necessary part of the parking program, we urge you to familiarize yourself with these regulations.

Parking facility construction, operation, and maintenance in the California State University system is self-supporting. No general fund tax dollars are spent building, operating, staffing, and maintaining parking facilities. It is the responsibility of everyone who drives a vehicle to campus to pay their fair share.

Responsibility for establishing rules and responsibilities regarding the operation and parking of vehicles on CSUEB property is given to the University President pursuant to Section 21113 (a) of the California Vehicle Code (CVC). Collection of fees for parking on CSUEB property is pursuant to Section 42200, Title V Article 7 of the CVC. Administration and daily operations of the CSUEB parking program is the responsibility of University Parking Services. All information contained is subject to change without notice.

Chapter 1: Parking Fees Permits

Chapter Two - Vehicle Parking

Chapter Three - Parking Enforcement

Chapter Four - Parking Citation Adjudication

Chapter Five - Special Dispensation and Assistance

Chapter Six - Waivers & Exclusions

Chapter Seven - References