FERPA Privacy Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law which states that an educational institution must establish a written institutional policy concerning the confidentiality of student education records and the fact that students must be notified of this statement of policy and their rights under the legislation. Your student records are protected by FERPA policy at Cal State East Bay and the University staff has been trained to follow and enforce this policy. For more information, visit the Student Affairs Web site.


A FERPA Block allows you to protect the privacy of your directory information. It prevents the release of all your private information, including the ability of the Cal State East Bay staff to communicate with you by phone should you need to discuss information in your record. If you have a FERPA Block in place, you can use your Horizon student e-mail or communicate with us in person by visiting the Student Information Lobby on the Hayward Campus or the Academic Service Center on the Concord Campus with a government-issued photo ID.

Please note that a FERPA Block will prevent your name from being included in the annual commencement program when you graduate. You must submit a request to remove the FERPA Block if you want your name included in the program.

To request a FERPA Block that will prevent the release of your records, fill out a Disclosure of Directory Information form. To remove the FERPA Block your record, complete a new Disclosure of Directory Information.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords student certain rights with respect to their education records. The full language of the campus FERPA policy is as follows. You can also view a downloadable version of the FERPA Policy. This policy is in effect as of April 1, 2012.

Students Rights Under The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)