To update your term of graduation, submit a Request to Postpone or Cancel Graduation form located on the MyCompass forms website. The form will electronically route to your major department for approval. If you are a student with 144 semester units or more the form will additionally route to the Dean of Academic Programs and Services for approval and then will go to Registrar’s for processing. If you select to cancel your graduation then the form will route directly to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Once the request is implemented, your request to update or cancel graduation cannot be undone.
- Undergraduate students will be charged a $25 fee whenever their term of graduation is postponed; this fee will be charged whether the postponement is initiated by the student or a graduation evaluator has determined graduation is not feasible for the prescribed term. Graduate students are not required to pay the graduation postponement fee. There is no fee for any student to cancel their graduation.
- You can only postpone one time to the next consecutive semester, otherwise you will need to cancel your graduation and refile by the deadline.
- To receive a priority registration appointment time for your proposed new term of graduation you must update by the Priority Deadline listed below. Students that apply for graduation after the Priority Deadline will not be eligible for priority registration.
Graduation Term
Priority Deadline (for priority registration)
Late Deadline (not eligible for priority registration)
Oct 1
Nov 1
March 1
April 1