Name: Darevsky, David
Research Mentor: Dr. Kimberley Kim
Project Tile: Patient-centered care and bedside nursing safety
Name: Fernandez, Mathew
Research Mentor: Dr. Ken Curr
Project Tile: Quantification of GBVC Viral Production in Mammalian Cells
Name: Gonzalez, Jesus
Research Mentor: Dr. Carol Lauzon
Project Tile: Microbial Gut Characterization of Lean and Obese Canines
Name: Kolora, Lakshmi
Research Mentor: Dr. Carol Lauzon
Project Tile: A Bacteriological Survey of Asian Citrus and Potato Psyllids
Name: Palmer, Jasmine
Research Mentor: Dr. Erica Wildy
Project Tile: Common Yellowthroat Phenology Changes with Climate Change
Name: Patrick, Maya
Research Mentor: Dr. Caron Inouye
Project Tile: Sex Ratio Variations in the Lady Beetle After Exposure to DBP
Name: Roth, Caroline
Research Mentor: Dr. Ken Curr
Project Tile: Determining the 3-D structure of the RNA polymerase from GBV-C
Name: Sharifi, Osman
Research Mentor: Dr. Ken Curr
Project Tile: A partial genome sequence for the Sea Slug,Tritonia diomedea using Next-Generation Sequencing
Name: Tillakarathna, Kaushalya
Research Mentor: Dr. Carol Lauzon
Project Tile: Gaining insight into the origin of Programmed Cell Death
Name: Trinh, Hao
Research Mentor: Dr. Chris Baysdorfer
Project Tile: The Role of RNAi in Regulating Transposable Elements
Name: Wallace, Kelsey
Research Mentor: Dr. James Murray
Project Tile: The Role of Indoleamines in the Cyclical Behavior of Tritonia
Name: Zacarias, Samantha
Research Mentor: Dr. James Murray
Project Tile: Elucidating the neural circuit involved in chemotaxis in Tritonia tetraquetra