Name: Nguyen, Dung
Research Mentor: Dr. Michael Groziak
Project Tile: Synthesis of a Novel Boron Heterocycle
Name: Saelee, Meuy
Research Mentor: Dr. Michael Groziak
Project Tile: Diazoxide Analogs - Boron Heterocycles
Name: Saffi, Gezal
Research Mentor: Dr. Chris Baysdorfer
Project Tile: Isolating, Identifying, and Characterizing Active Retrotransposons in Liliaceae Family in Hopes of Understanding the Role These Transposable Elements Have on Expanding Plant Genomes.
Name: Tesfatsion, Tesfay
Research Mentor: Dr. Michael Groziack
Project Tile: Synthesis of a Boron Containing Analogue of Allopurninol