Student Accounts Policy
What is the student accounts policy?
Students will have access to their CSUEB email, files, and other services linked to their Google Workspace account for 12 months after graduation or non-continuation.
This 12 month period begins when a student has graduated or has not been actively enrolled in classes for two consecutive semesters.
How do I prepare my accounts when leaving the university?
If you have graduated or are graduating, it's crucial to take some steps before your account is deleted.
To ensure a smooth transition and retain access to email-linked services, please take the following steps:
- If you don't already have them, find alternate email and cloud storage services.
- Stay connected with CSUEB and update your email with our Alumni Association using this form.
- Verify that your HOME email address is updated in MyCSUEB to ensure communications about your diploma and other post-graduation communications are sent to the correct address.
- Review the various places your student email address is being used, such as social media, video streaming, and banking accounts, and update it with an alternate email address.
- Inform others of your new email address.
- Save your data and documents to avoid losing any valuable information.
- For instructions on how to export your Gmail, as well as your Google Drive files, click here.