Prospective Student and Family Tour and Group Tours (if needed) will receive a complimentary parking permit for the visit. Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before your tour so you have enough time to check in, get your parking permit, and place it on your dashboard.
Self-guided tour visitors may purchase a daily or hourly permit at a dispenser for $2.00/hour or $10.00/day. All dispensers take credit cards, coins, and bills (exact change only.) The dispensers are located in parking lots A, G, K, N and at the kiosk on the right side at the top of Harder Rd. Daily permits are only valid in General (Student) Lots. After 5:00 PM Mondays-Thursdays, these permits are also valid in Faculty/Staff lots. Click here for a campus map and pay station locations.
Valid parking permits are required on campus: Monday - Thursday from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. A permit is not required after 5:00 PM on Fridays, all day on the weekends, and any holiday the University is closed.
Busses: No permit is needed. Click here for a bus parking map.