Supplemental Instruction

The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program provides embedded peer support in major gateway courses with historically high rates of D and F/NC final grades and unauthorized withdrawals.
Trained SI Leaders attend course lectures to model effective note-taking and independent study skills and identify difficult content for review in interactive weekly group study sessions.
Any student registered in an SI-supported course may attend group study and regular participation often results in increased retention in target courses and improved performance.
Register for SI Sessions
Register for upcoming group study sessions by downloading the SCAA's Nimbus Learning mobile app or by visiting the desktop version at
How to Register (Mobile App)
Step 1. Scroll to the left at top, select "SI Sessions," and confirm Switch Services.
Step 2. Search for your desired course by section; for example, SCAA 123-01.
Step 3. Select an upcoming session and "Save to Calendar" at bottom.