How To Buy

Standard University policy does not permit campus departments to place orders directly with vendors and service providers, apart from using the universal delegation of authority that permits acquisitions to be made under the P-Card program, Direct Payment Program or through the use of a petty cash fund. Instead, requisitions must first be submitted for processing to the Procurement and Contract Services Office.

Buying Methods

There are different methods which have been established to assist campus departments in obtaining goods and services, they are as follows:

Procurement Card (P-Card)

California State University, East Bay offers a VISA Procurement Card program through US Bank. The Procurement Credit Card (also known as a P-Card) is an easy, efficient and cost-effective option for purchasing supplies (goods), and allowable services (see pro card manual for allowable service) costing up to $5,000 (including tax and shipping) or less, which are not restricted or prohibited. Cardholders are encouraged to use the Procurement Credit Card for low value purchases in order to achieve cost savings and improve processing time for such items.

The Procurement Credit Card is for authorized University purchases only and is not for personal use. Departments should seek the use of small business and or disadvantaged veteran small business enterprises (DVBE) first.

Click here to go to P-card

Purchase Requisition User Guide

Purchase Requests should be submitted for any order totaling $5,000 or greater that cannot be put on a P-Card. If there is a purchase that is under $5,000 that cannot be put on a P- Card then you will need to submit a purchase requisition.

Requirements Common to all Transactions

  • Procurement and Contract Services has included further insight to some of these additional common requirements that may help you further understand the procurement process and how it relates to your purchase. These requirements apply to all procurement transactions, i.e., acquisitions of personal property (goods) or services, information technology (IT) orders and contracts, and the sale, lease, and license of University personal property. These requirements are to assure the following are met:
  • Clarification on the laws and policy with respect to competitive bidding requirements;
  • Protection of the public from the misuse of state funds;
  • A fair opportunity for all qualified bidders to enter the bidding process, thereby adhering to sound business practices and state fiscal policies;
  • Prevention of favoritism, fraud, and corruption in the awarding of University contracts

Defining Characteristics of Purchase Orders and Contracts