Careers in Physics
Latest Employment Data for Physicists and Related Scientists
These reports highlight the qualitative changes in the initial employment of recent degree recipients. They document the salaries earned by experienced physicists across employment sectors and degree levels, the size of the physics academic workforce as well as the availability of faculty openings and profiles of new hires.
Career Network
The Physics Today Career Network is considered by recruiters worldwide as the best resource - either in print or online - for posting open positions. This highly regarded, comprehensive classified section reaches more than 120,000 physicists, engineers, and other scientists in a broad range of sectors from academia to industry to government and nonprofit organizations.
Careers in Physics
APS Careers in Physics includes information on and links to career programs and activities organized by the APS such as: the online career center database; Job Fairs, career workshops and sessions at the meetings; and career reports. It also includes other relevant information and resources designed to help people learn about physics careers, and better navigate their careers.
Who's Hiring Physics Bachelors?
Employment opportunities for recent physics bachelor's degree recipients exist in all areas of the economy. Below, you will find a state-by-state listing of employers who recently hired new physics graduates to fill technical positions. The many high schools, colleges, universities, and branches of the military that hire physics bachelors are not included. These lists may be useful for recent graduates looking for employment or for university physics departments wishing to develop or strengthen contacts with employers in their area.
Physics Jobs
Physics Jobs is the definitive online resource for job announcements, career enhancing courses or calls for proposals accessed by the international physics and engineering community.