Graduate School Information
Grad School Shopper
A new electronic venture of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Our goal is to become the most comprehensive online source for researching graduate programs in the physical sciences, engineering and related fields. The site provides both a graduate recruitment forum for graduate schools and a one-stop graduate-school shopping place for graduate-school-bound students.
Planning for Graduate Studies in Physics and Related Fields
This brochure is written for students considering graduate work in physics or related fields such as astronomy, biophysics, and applied physics. It also provides some information for physics undergraduates who plan on pursuing postbaccalaureate studies in the fields of engineering, medicine, law, and other professions that attract significant numbers of physics B.A./B.S. graduates. It will help each student decide whether to pursue a graduate degree and, if so, how to prepare for this path while still an undergraduate. It addresses the mechanics of the application process, the types of financial aid, and the final selection of a graduate school. It concludes with a discussion about what a student might expect during the first few weeks of graduate school, and an example of a personal timetable.
Steps Towards Graduate School
A website created by Sonoma State University which gives advice on planning and choosing a graduate school.