Frequently asked NetID questions

For further help with these questions, and others that may not be covered in this FAQ, please contact the Servicedesk at, 510-885-HELP(4357) or by email at

The NetID is a username that contains no personal information about the user. It will look something like ab1234 (two alphabetic characters followed by four numbers). It is used for logging into a variety of systems on campus such as email, Blackboard and MyCSUEB. It does not replace or change a user's email address.

Students are provided with a NetID after completing the application process. NetIDs for new students are sent to the personal email address that was included in the application process. New faculty and staff members will be given a NetID upon employment and registration with Human Resources.

This is typically only for new students, faculty and staff members. You will need your NetID and last name to activate your account HERE

Note that you will need to have a personal email address in order to complete activation of your NetID.

You can find detailed NetID activation instructions HERE .

For some systems, such as email, you can use your NetID immediately after activating it, however, it may take a day or two before you can log into other systems. If you continue to have problems, or questions about accessing a particular system, please contact the Servicedesk with the information provided at the top of this page.

No, NetIDs are automatically generated and assigned and cannot be changed.

You can change your NetID password using either your security questions or by requesting that a PIN be sent to your personal email you provided during the NetID activation process.

Click HERE to use one of those password reset options.

  • Your campus ID card, known as your "Bay Card", displays your NetID.

  • If you do not have your "Bay Card", you can try the self-service option located HERE

  • You also can go to one of the following places to ask for your NetID (be sure to bring your photo ID):

    For Students: Hayward campus - the Student Information Lobby on the first floor of the Student Services and Administration building. Concord campus - the Academic Services Lobby.

    For Staff and Faculty: Hayward campus – the Human Resources center on the second floor of the Student Services and Administration building.

Lastly, you can contact the Servicedesk with the information provided at the top of this page.

Staff, faculty and student assistants are required to change their NetID passwords every 180 days. Students are not required to change their NetID passwords at this time.

Staff, faculty and student assistants are required to change their NetID passwords every 180 days. Students are not required to change their NetID passwords at this time.

You can change your NetID password using either your security questions or by requesting that a PIN be sent to your personal email you provided during the NetID activation process.

Click HERE to use one of those NetID password reset options.

If you cannot use the online password reset tools, you can contact the Servicedesk with the information provided at the top of this page

Personally assigned university NetIDs are subject to password policy rules that help protect the account from inadvertent or malicious access. Users are strongly advised to implement a robust, hard-to-guess password to further enhance the account's security. Passwords currently adhere to the following:

  • Password Length
    • Is ten (10) characters minimum for all Students, Faculty & Staff NetIDs

  • Passwords must contain characters from four categories: English uppercase characters (A through Z), English lowercase characters (A through Z), base 10 numerical characters (0 through 9), non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %);

  • Passwords may not contain first or last name, or NetID, or any facsimile thereof (eg. Gene written as G3n3)

  • Passwords are locked out for a certain duration after 10 invalid login attempts;

  • Passwords have a history of 3 passwords remembered (that is, you may not re-use your past 3 passwords when changing it);

  • While student passwords currently do not expire, faculty and staff (including student assistants) passwords do expire after 180 days.

You should only be issued one NetID even if you are a student, staff or faculty member at the same time.  Please report the problem to the Servicedesk using the contact information provided at the top of this page

You will need to contact the campus IT Servicedesk using the information provided at the top of this page

Once it has been reactivated, you can reset your security questions HERE

Note that as part of this process, you may be asked to reset your password as well.

Faculty, staff and students are ultimately responsible for the security of their NetID and their personal email. By sending password reset pins to your personal email, it ensures that we have properly identified the user who requests to reset their NetID password.