Juries & Recital Requirements
Applied Juries
Recital Requirements per Applied Area Level
Composition/Music Production Juries
Relevant to: All Music majors taking applied lessons in composition / Music ProductionComposition / Music Production students have a separate jury/recital procedure than vocalist and instrumentalist. At the end of every semester, students meet with the composition faculty to review their portfolio. The work done throughout the semester, and the overall contents of the portfolio will determine retention and advancement within the program. Detailed information about the contents of the portfolio can be found HERE.
Instrumental / Vocal Juries
Relevant to: All Music majors taking applied lessons in an instrument or voice
Students enrolled in instrumental or vocal Applied Lessons perform a Progress or Advancement Jury at the end of each semester.
There are three types of Juries:
- Progress Juries (a-levels) - Scheduled during finals week; students register through an online form sent out to their CSUEB emails.
- Advancement Juries (b-levels) - Scheduled during finals week; students register through an online form sent out to their CSUEB emails.
- Degree Recital Juries (Levels 3b and 4b specifically). Considered Advancement Juries with additional requirements.
- Scheduled much earlier in the semester:
- Junior Recital Jury dates will be scheduled as part of the Recital Class (MUS 380) during the Fall Semester. Students wishing to schedule a Junior Recital Jury while not enrolled in the Recital Class need to contact the Music Recourse Center prior to the end of the add/drop period of the previous semester.
- Senior Recital Jury dates must be scheduled by the student and the Music Recourse Center prior to the end of the add/drop period of the previous semester.
- Programs: For information on the printed / digital recital programs required for Junior and Senior Recital Juries, visit the Music Resource Center homepage.
- Accompaniment: any works which require accompaniment or collaborating musicians MUST be performed with these musicians present at your jury.
- Scheduled much earlier in the semester:
Jury Requirements by Area
Jury Outcomes & Semester Grades
Advancement Juries (b-levels)
Students perform an Advancement Jury during finals week at the completion of Level 1b (Advancement to Level 2) and at the completion of Level 2b (Advancement to Level 3).
The Advancement Jury from Level 3 to Level 4 can take the form of either an Advancement Jury at the end of Level 3b or a Junior Recital Jury. Students who wish to continue to Level 4 must successfully perform a Junior Recital Jury.
Senior Recital Juries serve as a program culmination at the conclusion of Level 4b, pending completion of the Senior Recital.
Discontinued Status
Students who fail two (2) juries in a row will be automatically discontinued from applied study. They may work privately and will be given the opportunity to perform another jury at the end of the following semester, but won't be able to register for lessons until they successfully pass.
Recital Requirements per Applied Area Level
One of the functions of the Music Resource Center (MRC) is the scheduling and coordination of all department concerts, recitals, and festivals. These include all faculty and student recitals, as well as major performance group concerts.
Any student wishing to schedule a Degree or Ad-Hoc recital, or to perform on a University Hour recital, should contact the Music Resource Center (MRC) to schedule a performance date after they have secured approval from their applied teacher. Recital date scheduling should be done several weeks in advance of the desired performance date in order to assure availability of a performance time
- Students should consult with all performers, coaches, and accompanists prior to scheduling a recital date.
- Junior, Senior and Ad Hoc recitals may not be scheduled during the last week of regular classes of a semester or during final exam week, nor during the weekend between these two weeks. Departmental approval is required for recitals scheduled during academic breaks.