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ITS Coordination and Communication
Services, Policies, and Strategy Communications
- ITS service changes and service level agreements, new or revised policies, and/or strategic direction will be presented to the Cabinet TSC before being disseminated more widely.
- After Cabinet TSC notification, review, and/or approval, as appropriate, each Cabinet TSC member will be responsible for notifying their management teams about the IT strategy, service, or policy. Within ITS, the CIO or Deputy CIO will notify ITS directors, relationship managers, and communications staff.
- Following manager notification, IT communications and relationship management staff will proceed with broad-based and/or one-on-one communications with members of the campus community, as warranted by the particular service, policy, or strategy being communicated.
Procurement of Technology
- Divisions and departments will engage ITS in the search for IT solutions prior to a decision being made on the most appropriate solution. ITS will validate that accessibility, interoperability, maintainability, total cost of ownership, and scalability issues are adequately addressed.
- ITS will expedite its review of IT procurements for divisions and departments.
Project Communications
- Project prioritization and scheduling will be agreed upon by the Cabinet TSC. Notes from those meetings will be disseminated by the CIO within one week to Cabinet TSC members for review and approval. Once approved, the CIO will forward the meeting notes to ITS directors, relationship managers, and divisional project coordinators.
- Divisional project coordinators will be responsible for ensuring the accuracy and currency of information about their division's projects in the online project portfolio.
- Divisional project coordinators and/or ITS-assigned project managers will be responsible for completing and maintaining all appropriate project documentation-including charter, scoring rubric, project plan, etc.-and posting it to the project folder in the online project portfolio.
- Divisional project coordinators and/or ITS-assigned project managers will be responsible for creating and implementing a project communication plan, to ensure members of the campus community are aware of the project. ITS communications staff are available to assist in the development and, in selected cases, the implementation of the project communication plan.
- ITS relationship managers will be responsible for including project status information in regular divisional reporting, based on information maintained in the online project portfolio.
Crisis Communications
- In the event of a major outage or other IT crisis, the CIO or Deputy CIO will notify the Cabinet, Provost's Council, and/or Academic Senate, as appropriate based on the particular event.
- ITS relationship managers will notify the division or college administrators, in person or via phone if possible, if the event impacts one or selected university groups.
- ITS communication staff will provide regular updates via email to the campus community or to the impacted groups, as appropriate based on the particular crisis.
- Division or college administrators will provide access to unit-based listservs, as needed, to ensure all impacted constituents are communicated with.
IT Maintenance and Routine Business
- ITS communication staff will send monthly emails regarding regular IT maintenance.
- ITS communication staff and/or IT managers will send periodic email reminders about planned maintenance, or to communicate about unplanned maintenance.
- ITS communication staff, relationship managers, and/or IT managers will send periodic emails with other ITS-related information, as needed, to appropriate constituent groups.
Contact Us
ITS Tech Lounge
- In Person, Walk In Tech Support
- Location: Library 2500
- Hours: M-F 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- ,
- Website: Service Desk
- ITS Service Desk
- Hours: M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Phone: (510) 885-HELP (4357) Please leave voicemail
- Email: servicedesk@csueastbay.edu