Current Analysis & Research

Student Affairs Assessment

IER partners with the division of Student Affairs to support a comprehensive, ongoing assessment process that evaluates effectiveness of all programs and services using institutional data and development of dashboards. All student affairs units are scheduled to collaborate with IER to enhance their data literacy and establish a foundation for self-assessment. The assessment template that was jointly developed between IER and Student Affairs in 2020 is completed by each department and covers six key areas: Program Mission, Student Outcomes, Signature Programs, Data Analysis, Contribution to DEI, and Areas of Growth. These assessments highlight areas of effectiveness, improvement opportunities, and action plans to ensure continuous improvement toward enhancing student success.

Pioneer Insights: Student Services Dashboard

Data & Action Projects

Pioneer Pathways: Advising Surveys

NSSE Pulse Survey

Disaggregated Ethnicity Data

IER, Office of Diversity, and the campus race-based affinity groups have partnered to engage in data-driven conversations on the breadth and depth of our campus diversity and the range of experiences among Asian, Black, Latinx and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students. This data provides East Bay a unique opportunity to honor the intent of equity; that is to provide intentional and strategic ways to address needs of students that may have been invisibilized by aggregate data.  This is an incremental step towards decolonizing data - specifically with the aim towards equitable student success.