Faculty & Staff

 Internship Sites:

STEP 1: Internship sites and students are encouraged to start their registration process the semester prior to placement.  Registration can take time to process depending if an MOU is required.  

STEP 2: The process to become an approved internship site includes completing the CalStateS4  Request to Initiate Partnership Form. This form is only available to internship courses flagged internship "INTRN" or service learning "CSL" courses using CalStateS4.

STEP 3: Once site is approved, site will be listed as an approved site on CalStateS4.


Internship Sites Must Agree To:

  • Register through the  CalStateS4 system and abide by all University requirements
  • Commit to an onboarding process for CSU East Bay intern   
  • Commit to connecting academic content to work experience 
  • Commit to mid semester check-in with CSU East Bay intern and University 
  • Commit to exit interview and assessment of CSUEB intern
Questions? email:  internships@csueasbay.edu.  


 *"For the purpose of (Executive Order 1064) ‘internship’ does not include teacher preparation placements or clinical placements such as for nursing, counseling, social work, physical therapy or occupational therapy.”  This would also exclude teacher observation and teacher supervision experiences and are subject to university rules and regulations through their academic department and are expected to utilize the appropriate course for required experience. Please note that although these areas are excluded from EO1064, CSU East Bay as a campus has campus guidelines that all experiential experiences must abide by. For more information please visit: Internship Guidelines


Need A SAMPLE Internship Course for Black Board?

If you would like to copy the General Studies (GS) Internship Course, please email bbhelp@csueastbay.edu requesting to clone the GS Internship Course with the following information:

Course_ID: M_internship
Destination_Course_ID: XXXX_XXXX_XXXXX 
(This can be found in the upper left hand corner of your course)

Areas to be copied: Internship Course Materials 

  • Sample Syllabus
  • Learning Outcomes
  • S4 Log-In / manual
  • Welcome schedule
  • Weekly reflection question's
  • Safety video
  • Mid semester check-in assignment
  • Professional Development module on
    • Communication
    • Diversity
    • Professionalism
  • Exit interview


On campus internships

Although we encourage students to have an off site paid internship experience, there are opportunities here on campus that fulfill the internship experience.  Please register your department internship on both CalStateS4 and Handshake to allow an equal opportunity for all students to apply. Please view our student employment flyer to help guide you with marketing / posting timelines. If your department would like more information on how to establish an on campus internship experience please email: internships@csueastbay.edu.

Journals, Articles, & Publications


Papers and Reflections

Attention: Faculty and Staff teaching an internship course. If you would like to recommend a student to showcase their internship experience on our internship website please email: internships@csueastbay.edu with student contact information and we will follow up with student to see if they are interested in sharing their experience with our campus community.  Please consider this opportunity for Fall and SPR final projects/ reflections.

Risk & Liability

There is always a level of risk involved when coordinating internship opportunities for students.  Please refer to the Academic Affairs Internship Guidelines that address risk, liability, and compliance.

Networking with employers may be essential for your department in building internship opportunities.  It is recommended that employers register with CalStateS4 and or Handshake to allow equal opportunity for all students to apply.  For more information visit: A Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiring.

To report an incident please email: internships@csueastbay.edu