Training and Continuing Education

Policy on Training Requirements for Animal Users 

U.S. Animal Welfare Act Regulations (AWAR) and Public Health Service (PHS) policy require institutions to provide training for all personnel engaged in animal research. This includes Principal Investigators (PIs), technicians, and laboratory personnel.  The CSUEB Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is charged, in its review of animal use protocols, with determining that all personnel conducting procedures using animals are appropriately qualified and trained.

All IACUC members, PIs, staff, students, and research personnel who use live vertebrate animals are required to update their animal care and use training at least once every three years to ensure that they remain current on laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies.  Successful completion of the renewal training must be documented in writing, with a copy of such documentation sent to the IACUC.

IACUC Training Links

CSUEB has contracted with the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) to use its on-line Laboratory Animal Course.  The online training program is located at CITI Program. Click on “New Users – Register Here”; create a username and password, then enter the site; and select California State University East Bay as your “affiliation” from the drop-down list of institutions. 

When you have completed the training, please email a copy of the Completion Report, and send it to 

For a tutorial on PHS policy on humane care of laboratory animals, please go to the following link: 

Continuing Education Training Links

California Biomedical Research Association (CBRA): CSUEB is partnered with the CBRA which provides webinars to any CSUEB student, staff, or faculty member. All Animal Care Program users (IACUC, administrative staff, researchers, and research staff) have to complete yearly continuing eduction. These seminars are recorded, and recordings can be requested at any time within one year.