Master of Science in Accountancy
The M.S. in Accountancy Program (MSA) is a cohort-based, 17-month graduate program. Graduates of the program will satisfy the accounting education requirements for the CPA examination and for the 150 semester unit, required for California CPA licensure requirement.
- Students who graduate will demonstrate knowledge of U.S. and international financial reporting standards and auditing standards for corporate financial reporting and attestation.
- Students who graduate will apply critical thinking and quantitative reasoning to financial reporting and business valuation.
- Students who graduate will illustrate the knowledge of accountants’ professional ethics standards and apply them to business situations.
- Students who graduate will apply written communication skills to create professional accounting reports.
- Students who graduate will apply oral communication skills to deliver a well-organized, informative, and persuasive oral presentation within a professional context.
- Students who graduate will apply professional collaboration and teamwork skills in working with individuals and in groups.