2019-2020 Program

The first Women in Leadership program was made up of a diverse group of mentors and mentees. Graduate students were selected as WIL fellows in fall 2019 and partnered with mentors. The pilot program had some exciting results, despite adjustments due to the pandemic.


Tammy Cameron
Tammy Cameron
Tammy Cameron
Tammy Cameron
Tammy Cameron
Tammy Cameron
Tammy Cameron
Tammy Cameron

BS '88 BA, CFO & SVP- Intuity Medical

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Tammy Cameron
Tammy Cameron

BS '88 BA, CFO & SVP- Intuity Medical

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Jenny Linton
Jenny Linton
Jenny Linton
Jenny Linton
Jenny Linton
Jenny Linton
Jenny Linton
Jenny Linton

MBA '12, Board Member- Special Olympics, Northern California Past President OSISoft

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Jenny Linton
Jenny Linton

MBA '12, Board Member- Special Olympics, Northern California Past President OSISoft

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Ghada Musselman
Ghada Christine Srour Musselman
Ghada Musselman
Ghada Christine Srour Musselman
Ghada Musselman
Ghada Christine Srour Musselman
Ghada Musselman
Ghada Christine Srour Musselman

BS '89 BA (MIS,) MBA '93, Program Manager- Atypon Digital Publishing Platform, Senior Executive Manager- Accenture, IT Consulting

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Ghada Musselman
Ghada Christine Srour Musselman

BS '89 BA (MIS,) MBA '93, Program Manager- Atypon Digital Publishing Platform, Senior Executive Manager- Accenture, IT Consulting

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Amy Schioldager
Amy Schioldager
Amy Schioldager
Amy Schioldager
Amy Schioldager
Amy Schioldager
Amy Schioldager
Amy Schioldager

BSBA '89, Board Member- AIG, Aperio Group, Intermediate Capital Group, Retired Sr Managing Director- Boardspan, Inc., Global Head of Beta Strategies-

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Amy Schioldager
Amy Schioldager

BSBA '89, Board Member- AIG, Aperio Group, Intermediate Capital Group, Retired Sr Managing Director- Boardspan, Inc., Global Head of Beta Strategies-

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Pratibha Sharma
Pratibha Sharma
Pratibha Sharma
Pratibha Sharma
Pratibha Sharma
Pratibha Sharma
Pratibha Sharma
Pratibha Sharma

MS, Computer Science- Illinois State Institute of Technology, Product, Program & Business Development- Paas

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Pratibha Sharma
Pratibha Sharma

MS, Computer Science- Illinois State Institute of Technology, Product, Program & Business Development- Paas

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Leona Tang
Leona Tang
Leona Tang
Leona Tang
Leona Tang
Leona Tang
Leona Tang
Leona Tang

BS '91 BA, Advisory Board Member- AverQ, Retired EVP, Internal Audit- Charles Schwab Corporation

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Leona Tang
Leona Tang

BS '91 BA, Advisory Board Member- AverQ, Retired EVP, Internal Audit- Charles Schwab Corporation

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Maya Tussing
Maya Tussing
Maya Tussing
Maya Tussing
Maya Tussing
Maya Tussing
Maya Tussing
Maya Tussing

BS PSYC- Pomona College, MBA- Univ. of WA, Fmr. Principal- Alesco Advisors, Fmr. Dir.- Head US Asset Allocation, Institutional/Benefits- Blackrock

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Maya Tussing
Maya Tussing

BS PSYC- Pomona College, MBA- Univ. of WA, Fmr. Principal- Alesco Advisors, Fmr. Dir.- Head US Asset Allocation, Institutional/Benefits- Blackrock

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Wenli Wang
Wenli Wang
Wenli Wang
Wenli Wang
Wenli Wang
Wenli Wang
Wenli Wang
Wenli Wang

MBA '95, Partner in Charge- San Francisco & Walnut Creek, China Practice Leader, Moss Adams

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Wenli Wang
Wenli Wang

MBA '95, Partner in Charge- San Francisco & Walnut Creek, China Practice Leader, Moss Adams

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  • "Join the fellowship program as you will meet individuals with similar leadership aspirations, learn and develop your own leadership skills, and have the opportunity to be mentored by other senior women." - Amy Schioldager
  • "I think women absolutely need advice and sponsorship to get ahead and close the influence, equity, and wealth gap with men. Still, I think that while women need to ask for advice and support, particularly financial support, I think women and men with means need to do more to put financial investment in women." - Maya Tussing
  • "I believe it is important to give back through helping inspire others whether it is through personal or professional growth." - Leona Tang
  • "Ask for help more often and don't shy away from leaning on your network for help when you need it. " - Christine Musselman
  • "Mentorship is important to me as it is a wonderful opportunity to give back... I’m at the point in my career where I want to reach back and give someone a helping hand up that ladder." - Tammy Cameron


Rose Casarez
Rose Casarez
Rose Casarez
Rose Casarez
Rose Casarez
Rose Casarez
Rose Casarez
Rose Casarez

MBA, Employment Specialist- Regional Ctr of the East Bay, CA Certified Rape Crisis Counselor- Bay Area Women Against Rape, 6+ Yrs Nonprofit Experience

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Rose Casarez
Rose Casarez

MBA, Employment Specialist- Regional Ctr of the East Bay, CA Certified Rape Crisis Counselor- Bay Area Women Against Rape, 6+ Yrs Nonprofit Experience

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Sonal Chandna
Sonal Chandna
Sonal Chandna
Sonal Chandna
Sonal Chandna
Sonal Chandna
Sonal Chandna
Sonal Chandna

6+ Yrs experience in Business Strategy, Digital Media Marketing, Partnership Strategy, Overseas Educational Consulting, and Corporate Insurance

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Sonal Chandna
Sonal Chandna

6+ Yrs experience in Business Strategy, Digital Media Marketing, Partnership Strategy, Overseas Educational Consulting, and Corporate Insurance

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Jamielee Garcia
Jamielee Garcia
Jamielee Garcia
Jamielee Garcia
Jamielee Garcia
Jamielee Garcia
Jamielee Garcia
Jamielee Garcia

MBA- HR, Motivated Bilingual Professional, Student Specialist, Content Manager & Creator

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Jamielee Garcia
Jamielee Garcia

MBA- HR, Motivated Bilingual Professional, Student Specialist, Content Manager & Creator

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Aubrey Martinez
Aubrey Martinez
Aubrey Martinez
Aubrey Martinez
Aubrey Martinez
Aubrey Martinez
Aubrey Martinez
Aubrey Martinez

MBA, 20+ years experience in Management, Finance, HR, and Strategy, Director of Business Operations- SRI International

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Aubrey Martinez
Aubrey Martinez

MBA, 20+ years experience in Management, Finance, HR, and Strategy, Director of Business Operations- SRI International

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Chanyuan Wen
Chanhyuan Wen
Chanyuan Wen
Chanhyuan Wen
Chanyuan Wen
Chanhyuan Wen
Chanyuan Wen
Chanhyuan Wen

Undergraduate in Spanish Literature- Lanzhoujiaotong University, China, MSBA, Mandarin Teacher- Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

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Chanyuan Wen
Chanhyuan Wen

Undergraduate in Spanish Literature- Lanzhoujiaotong University, China, MSBA, Mandarin Teacher- Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

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  • "Choose a project that inspires you and motivates you. I chose a project that has a personal meaning to me. That has made my work enjoyable and not just a project. " - Aubrey Martinez
  • "I wanted to know how much power I have in myself, what change can I bring to my community. I also wanted to get a connection with successful women mentors and see how they live their lives and lead their careers." - Chanyuan Wen