FAQs - CSU East Bay

Senate Membership

The CSUEB Academic Senate Consists of:

  1. the President of the University as an ex officio, non-voting member; 
  2. the Provost of the University as an ex officio, voting member;
  3. the representatives of the University in the Academic Senate of the California State University (2 Statewide Senators) (elected in Winter election);
  4. twenty-five (25) members elected by and from the colleges/library of the University, distributed in proportion to the number of Regular Members in the colleges, provided that every college shall have at least one member in the Academic Senate (in Spring college elections);
  5. ten (10) members-at-large, elected by and from the Regular Members of the University Faculty (in Winter election);
  6. one (1) member elected by and from faculty who have achieved emeritus/emerita status (in Spring election)
  7. four (4) members elected by and from the University lecturers for a one year term (in Spring election)
  8. two (2) members elected by and from the Student Services Professional (SSP) electorate (in Spring election)
  9. one (1) staff member (who is not in another electorate), elected by the Senate;
  10. seven (7) members selected from among undergraduate or graduate students for a one year term; elected/selected by ASI;
  11. the chair of each standing committee of the Academic Senate; for the term(s) in which they are a committee chair; and
  12. the immediate past-chair of the Academic Senate.


  • Members of the Academic Senate, except emeriti, lecturers, SSPs, staff rep and student members, shall be Regular Members of the University Faculty (tenure or tenure-track). Except as noted, terms are for two years.
  • The Constitution & Bylaws of the Academic Senate are linked on the Academic Senate home page.
  • CSUEB Shared Governance