FAC Document Archive

Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
23-24 FAC 1 Interpretation of RTP Policy Concerning Early Promotion to Full Professor  via email 9/12/23 9/19/23
23-24 FAC 2 Winter Intersession Calendar 23-24 via email 9/26/23 10/5/23
23-24 FAC 3 Resolution upholding shared governance at Cal State East Bay via email 11/28/23 12/15/23
23-24 FAC 4 Updated Timeline for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students (ELSS) Awards 2/6/24 2/7/24
23-24 FAC 5 Convening of Subcommittee on Coaches
23-24 FAC 6 Faculty Affairs Revisions to Retention, Tenure and Promotion (RTP) Policy and Procedures
23-24 FAC 7 Academic Work Day Definitions
23-24 FAC 8 Proposed Summer and Winter Calendars 2024-2027 2/6/24 2/7/24
23-24 FAC 9 Proposed Summer Calendars 2025-27 and Winter Calendars 2024-2027
23-24 FAC 10
23-24 FAC 11
23-24 FAC 12
23-24 FAC 13 Constitution and Bylaws Amendments to Definition of University Faculty rejected
23-24 FAC 14
23-24 FAC 15 Revised Student Evaluation of Learning Policy
23-24 FAC 16 Revised PSYC Department RTP Criteria for Professional Achievement
23-24 FAC 17 Policy for Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT)
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
22-23 FAC 1 Proposed Winter Intersession Dates via email
9/13/22 9/23/22
22-23 FAC 2 Subcommittee Referrals 10/18/22 11/8/22 N/A
22-23 FAC 3 Office Hours policy update
10/4/22 10/25/22 11/9/22
22-23 FAC 4 Additions to the Student Experience Instrument to make consistent with policy via email 9/27/22 11/9/22
22-23 FAC 5 Syllabus Policy Update via email 11/8/22 12/14/22
22-23 FAC 6 Add a Lecturer to the ad-hoc University Committee on Layoffs 10/18/22 11/8/22 12/14/22
22-23 FAC 7 Another Temporary Modification of University Tenure & Promotion Committee Membership 10/18/22 11/8/22 12/14/22
22-23 FAC 8 Rights and Responsibilities of Department Chairs via email 3/21/23 3/24/23
22-23 FAC 9 Revision of the Appointment & Review of Department Chairs policies and procedures via email 3/21/23 3/24/23
22-23 FAC 10 Additional summer duty days for 4 unit courses 2/14/23 2/21/23 2/23/23
22-23 FAC 11 Week of Scholarship (WoS) rebrand as the ‘Week of Recognition’ (WoR) 3/21/23 3/24/23
22-23 FAC 12 Compensation for Lecturer service in the Academic Senate 5/2/23 6/8/23
22-23 FAC 13 Updates to Policy for Distributing Assigned time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students 3/6/23 3/7/23
22-23 FAC 14 Revised FAC Policies and Procedures see 22-23 BEC 15 N/A N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
21-22 FAC 1 Updates to the Faculty Affairs Committee Policies and Procedures for Committee Operation 10/19/21 N/A N/A
21-22 FAC 2 Proposed updates to Emeritus Policy via email 4/26/22 5/23/22
21-22 FAC 3 Policy on Peer Observation N/A N/A N/A
21-22 FAC 4 Recommended Change to the University By-laws regarding the composition of the Faculty Affairs Committee FAC tabled N/A N/A
21-22 FAC 5 Recommended Change to the University By-laws regarding the definition of Emeritus Members of the Faculty via email 4/26/22 5/23/22
21-22 FAC 6 Appointment of Department Chairs N/A N/A N/A
21-22 FAC 7 Temporary Modification of University Tenure & Promotion Committee Membership 11/16/21 11/30/21 2/17/22
21-22 FAC 8 2022-23 Academic Calendar 3/8/22 3/25/22
21-22 FAC 9 Policy on Academic Freedom
21-22 FAC 10 Policy governing the Eligibility of Faculty to Receive Emeritus/a Status
21-22 FAC 11 2022-23 Proportional Representation on the Academic Senate, Senate Standing Committees and University Tenure and Promotion Committee (UTP)
21-22 FAC 12 Updates to Policy for Distributing Assigned time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students 3/15/21
21-22 FAC 13 Syllabus Policy Revision rejected
21-22 FAC 14 2023 Summer Calendar
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
20-21 FAC 1 Request to Temporarily Increase RTP Subcommittee Membership for the 2020-21 Academic Year 9/15/20 N/A N/A
20-21 FAC 2 amended Rights and Responsibilities of Department Chairs 4/6/21 4/27/21 5/19/21
20-21 FAC 3 Office Hours and Faculty Availability Outside the Classroom 1/19/21 2/9/21
20-21 FAC 4 Policy for Periodic Evaluation of Faculty
20-21 FAC 5 Interpretation of Rights of Faculty with FERP and PRTB Assignments to Participate in Elections and to Serve on Committees 5/4/21 5/25/21
20-21 FAC 6 Policy on Emeritus Status 5/4/21 not approved, 5/25/21
20-21 FAC 7 2021-22 Proportional Representation on the Academic Senate, Senate Standing Committees and University Tenure and Promotion Committee (UTP) 2/9/21 2/23/21 as info N/A
20-21 FAC 8 Revision of Retention, Tenure and Promotion (RTP) Policy and Procedures 5/4/21 not approved, 5/25/21
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
19-20 FAC 1 Report of the FAC Special Subcommittee to Address Disruptive Behavior 2018-19 9/10/19 9/17/19 N/A
19-20 FAC 2 Terminal Degree for Nursing 10/15/19 10/29/19 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 3 7 year academic calendar 2020-2027
3/24/20 5/5/20 5/12/20
19-20 FAC 4 Policy and Application form for Distributing Assigned time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students 10/15/19 11/12/19 11/21/19
19-20 FAC 5 Terminal Degree for MS in Health Care Administration 11/19/19 as info 12/3/19 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 6 Terminal Degrees for College of Business and Economics 11/19/19 as info 12/3/19 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 7 Terminal Degrees for the Department of Art 11/19/19 as info 12/3/19 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 8 Terminal Degrees for the Department of Kinesiology 11/19/19 as info 12/3/19 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 9 Reseating the Special Subcommittee to Address Disruptive Behavior 11/19/19 N/A N/A
19-20 FAC 10 Terminal Degrees for Criminal Justice Administration  1/21/20 as info 2/11/20 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 11 Terminal Degrees for Statistics & Biostatistics 1/21/20 as info 2/11/20 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 12 amended Updates to the Procedures for Evaluation of Tenured Faculty document 2/18/20 3/17/20 3/19/20
19-20 FAC 13 Policy on Appropriate Terminal Degrees 2/25/20 as info 3/17/20 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 14 Terminal Degrees for Social Work 2/25/20 as info 3/17/20 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 15 Terminal Degree update from Health Sciences 3/24/20 as info 4/14/20 as info N/A
19-20 FAC 16 Revised University Retention Tenure and Promotion Policy and Procedures 3/24/20 4/28/20 4/29/20
19-20 FAC 17 Recommendations from the Subcommittee for Disruptive Behavior 4/21/20 5/5/20 5/12/20
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
18-19 FAC 1 Terminal Degree Equivalency 10/16/18 as info 11/13/18 as info N/A
18-19 FAC 2 amended Updates to the Professional Leave Committee policies and procedures


12/4/18 12/17/18
18-19 FAC 3 Updates to FAC policies and procedures 
18-19 FAC 4


18-19 FAC 5 amended Schedule updates for the Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students 11/6/18 12/4/18 12/5/18
18-19 FAC 6 amended New academic calendar for AY19-20 and AY 20-21, Summers 2019-2021, and Winter Intersession 2019 11/27/18 12/4/18 12/17/18
18-19 FAC 7 amended Procedures for Evaluation of Tenured Faculty 3/12/19 referred back 4/9/19
18-19 FAC 8 (amended) amended Proposed solution to Monday only courses in Fall 2018 having only 12 class meeting days 2/26/19 amended 3/5/19 3/7/19
18-19 FAC 9 Recommended Changes to Range Elevation Policy and Procedures 4/16/19 5/7/19 6/12/19
18-19 FAC 10 amended Proposed changes to the University Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Policy and Procedures 3/12/19 referred back 4/9/19
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
17-18 FAC 1 Annual Goals for FAC in AY17-18 N/A N/A N/A
17-18 FAC 2 Formation of Special Subcommittee to address disruptive behavior 2/27/18 N/A  N/A 
17-18 FAC 3 revised Revisions to the Faculty Office Hour Policy and proposal for a new policy on Office Hours and Faculty Availability Outside of the Classroom



17-18 FAC 4 amended Semester and schedule updates for the Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students 1/30/18 2/20/18 (further amended 3/6/18) see
17-18 BEC 9
17-18 FAC 5 FAC Subcommittee on Student Evaluations of Teaching name change
4/24/18 N/A N/A
17-18 FAC 6 Recommended Changes to the Policy on Periodic Evaluation of Temporary Faculty 4/24/18 5/29/18 6/27/18
17-18 FAC 7 revised Revision of academic calendar for AY18-19 4/10/18 5/15/18 6/14/18
17-18 FAC 8 Addition of note on Student Conduct to the CSUEB Common Syllabus 4/24/18 5/29/18 6/27/18
17-18 FAC 9 Suggested revisions to the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) policy
4/24/18 5/29/18 6/27/18
17-18 FAC 10 Revision of RTP Procedures for Semesters and for Electronic Submission of Dossiers  4/24/18 5/29/18 6/27/18
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
16-17 FAC 1 Updating of FAC Policies and Procedures document 2/28/17 N/A N/A
16-17 FAC 2 Annual Goals for FAC in AY16-17 N/A N/A N/A
16-17 FAC 3 Quarter to Semester updates for Interpretation of Rights of Faculty with FERP and PRTB Assignments to Participate in Elections and to Serve on Committees document 2/14/17 4/4/17 5/4/17
16-17 FAC 4 Changes to policies and form for Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students 2/14/17 3/7/17 N/A
16-17 FAC 5 Appointment and Review of Department Chairs Policy and Procedures with Quarter to Semester changes 2/28/17 4/4/17 5/4/17
16-17 FAC 6 Procedures for Evaluation of Tenured Faculty document with Quarter to Semester changes 2/28/17 4/4/17 5/4/17
16-17 FAC 7 Senate Bylaws updates including Semester changes 5/9/17 10/3/17 N/A
16-17 FAC 8 Revisions to the Faculty Office Hour Policy referred back to FAC 4/18/17 -see 17-18 FAC 3 N/A N/A
16-17 FAC 9


5/23/17 5/30/17 rejected by President
16-17 FAC 10

Revision of RTP Procedures for Electronic Submission of Dossiers

5/23/17 withdrawn by committee N/A
16-17 FAC 11

Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Policy and Procedures document with Quarter to Semester changes

5/23/17 withdrawn by committee N/A
16-17 FAC 12

Updated Sue Schaefer Faculty Service Award call letter

5/23/17 as info 5/30/17 as info N/A
16-17 FAC 13 amended

Lecturer Subcommittee Recommended Changes to the CSUEB Bylaws

5/23/17 11/14/17 N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
15-16 FAC 1 Allowance for an Executive Committee appointed representative to MPP search committees in emergency situations in the Policies and Procedures Governing Faculty Participation in Appointment and Review of Administrative Officers California State University, East Bay 11/24/15 5/31/16 8/9/16
15-16 FAC 2 Establishing a term of service for the immediate past chair on the Academic Senate and Executive Committee within the University Constitution 11/24/15 4/12/16 9/23/16
15-16 FAC 3 Reconciling voting threshold differences between the requirements in the University Constitution and Bylaws 11/24/15 4/12/16 9/23/16
15-16 FAC 4 Addition of second Presidential appointee to the Provost Search Committee as outlined in the Appointment and Review of Administrative Officers of CSUEBdocument 1/26/16 not passed 3/8/16 N/A
15-16 FAC 5 Revisions of the Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Policy and Procedures 5/24/16 5/31/16 8/9/16
15-16 FAC 6 Not assigned N/A N/A N/A
15-16 FAC 7 Suggested changes to the Appointment and Review of Department Chairs Policy and Procedures


5/17/16 5/31/16
15-16 FAC 8 New CSU East Bay Policy on Emerita and Emeritus Status referred back to FAC on 4/19/16 N/A N/A
15-16 FAC 9 Response to Executive Committee referral regarding problems with usability and function of Faculty Search online application process 10/11/16 10/25/16 as info N/A
15-16 FAC 10

2015-2025 Ten-year, Quarter to Semester Transitional

5/10/16 5/17/16 5/31/16
15-16 FAC 11

Clarification of Exceptional Levels of Service to Students Awards guidelines and form for AY 2016-2017

4/26/16 5/17/16 5/31/16
15-16 FAC 12

Addition of note on Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation to the CSUEB Common Syllabus

5/24/16 5/31/16 8/9/16
15-16 FAC 13

College of Business and Economics academic standards for professional achievement

5/24/16 as info 5/31/16 as info N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
14-15 FAC 1 Updating of FAC Policies and Procedures document 11/4/14 N/A  N/A 

14-15 FAC 2 *now 15-16 FAC 5

(became 15-16 FAC 5)Proposed amendment to add the Provost to the process of the University RTP Procedures RTP subcomm updating doc RTP subcomm updating doc RTP subcomm updating doc
14-15 FAC 3 revised Proposed policy on adding courses exempted from student evaluations 4/7/15 5/19/15 7/2/15
14-15 FAC 4 Inclusion of the Administrative Review of the Athletic Director under UARC Review - Suggested Changes to thePolicies and Procedures Governing Faculty Participation in Appointment and Review of Administrative Officersof CSUEB 2/10/15 3/10/15 Rejected by President on 6/17/15
14-15 FAC 5 Inclusion of the Administrative Review of the University Diversity Officer under UARC Review - Suggested Changes to the Policies and Procedures Governing Faculty Participation in Appointment and Review of Administrative Officers of CSUEB 4/7/15 5/19/15 Rejected by President on 7/2/15
14-15 FAC 6 Request for Reconsideration of a Waiver of External Search within the Appointment and Review document Pending action in 15-16 N/A N/A
14-15 FAC 7 Assigned Time Equity Resolution withdrawn by committee withdrawn by committee withdrawn by committee
14-15 FAC 8 Proposed Amorous Relationship policy  withdrawn by committee withdrawn by committee withdrawn by committee
14-15 FAC 9 Interim Guidelines and Form for Distributing Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service 3/3/15 3/10/15 6/17/15
14-15 FAC 10 Inclusion of the Administrative Review of the Director of Sustainability under UARC Review - Suggested Changes to the Policies and Procedures Governing Faculty Participation in Appointment and Review of Administrative Officers of CSUEB 4/7/15 5/19/15 Rejected by President on 7/2/15
14-15 FAC 11 Updated Intellectual Property policy 4/28/15 6/2/15 7/2/15
14-15 FAC 12 amended Calendar Recommendation of a 5-day Thanksgiving Break Semester Calendar 4/7/15 5/19/15 7/2/15
14-15 FAC 13 including addendum Results of the Educational Enhancement Award 5/26/15 6/2/15 N/A provided as information to President)
14-15 FAC 14 Suggested revisions to the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) policy Pending action in 15-16 N/A N/A
14-15 FAC 15 amended Lecturer Subcommittee Recommended Changes to the CSUEB Bylaws 10/27/15 12/1/15 9/23/16
14-15 FAC 16 Suggested revisions to the Policy on Course Syllabus Information 10/27/15 12/1/15 1/19/16

14-15 FAC 17

Proposed recommendations for shorter sessions under semesters 11/10/15 2/23/16 3/8/16
14-15 FAC 18

Policy for Distributing Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students

10/13/15 10/20/15 N/A (for Senate approval only)
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
13-14 FAC 1 Interpretation of the Rules on Quorum 1/21/14  3/11/14 N/A
13-14 FAC 2 Amended Revised Proposed Faculty Awards 2/18/14 3/11/14  4/10/14
13-14 FAC 3 Recommendation to Reduce the size of the Academic Senate and its Standing Committees Not passed on 5/13/14  N/A  N/A 
13-14 FAC 4 Policy Regarding the Development and/or Creation of a School Cancelled by 14-15 FAC members Cancelled by 14-15 FAC members Cancelled by 14-15 FAC members
13-14 FAC 5 Recommendation on the Continuation of Online Student Evaluations 1/28/14 Not Passed 2/25/14 (see 13-14 BEC 13) N/A
13-14 FAC 6 Fall Quarter 2015 schedule change to the academic calendar 4/15/14 5/6/14 5/27/14
13-14 FAC 7 amended Review Schedule and MPP Acting/Interim Appointments  5/13/14 10/21/14 12/4/14
13-14 FAC 8 Response to Elections Committee Referral 5/13/14 (accepted as info) N/A  N/A 
13-14 FAC 9 Dean of Libraries title change in Library RTP document 4/1/14 4/22/14 5/28/14
13-14 FAC 10 Lecturer Subcommittee Suggested Changes to the CSUEB Constitution and Bylaws  1/6/15 2/17/15 Rejected by President
13-14 FAC 11 Digital Dossiers referral of November 1, 2013 Accepted as info on 9/30/14  N/A  N/A 
13-14 FAC 12

Interpretation of terms of office in the CSUEB Constitution and Bylaws

10/14/14 12/2/14 N/A 
(provided to President as information)
13-14 FAC 13 Updating of the FAC Policies and Procedures document (Document replaced by 14-15 FAC 1) N/A N/A  N/A 
13-14 FAC 14 Request for reconsideration of 12-13 FAC 13 Not addressed in 13-14 N/A  N/A 
13-14 FAC 15 Proposed amendment to add the Provost to the process of the University RTP Procedures (to be replaced by a 14-15 FAC document with updated information) N/A N/A  N/A 
13-14 FAC 16 Recommendation on the Revised Student Evaluations Form 1/6/15 2/17/15 3/19/15
13-14 FAC 17 Endorsement of documents 13-14 CAPR 13 and 13-14 CIC 31, regarding the “Formation, Dissolution, Merger, or Name change of Academic Units (revision of 05-06 CAPR 8 revised)” 9/30/14 10/21/14 12/4/14
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
12-13 FAC 1 Committee Policies and Procedures with Outstanding Professor Amendments N/A N/A N/A
12-13 FAC 2 Changes to the University Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Policy and Procedures document  1/8/13 2/12/13 2/27/13
12-13 FAC 3 Changes to the Library Retention, Tenure, Promotion Policy and Procedures document  1/8/13 2/12/13 2/27/13
12-13 FAC 4 Changes to the Procedures for Evaluation of Tenured Faculty 1/8/13 2/12/13 2/27/13
12-13 FAC 5 (see also 12-13 BAS 1) Amended Online Student Evaluations plan 1/8/13 2/12/13

approved 5/29/13)

12-13 FAC 6 Ballot Issues 1/8/13 2/26/13 N/A
12-13 FAC 7 amended Changes to Appointment and Review of Administrative Officers Policies and Procedures N/A 2/12/13 2/27/13
12-13 FAC 8 amended New CSU East Bay Policy on Emerita and Emeritus Status 3/5/13 4/9/13 Not approved; Presidential response
12-13 FAC 9 amended Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of the University Faculty of CSU East Bay 4/2/13 5/7/13 Not approved: Presidential response
12-13 FAC 10 Proposed Faculty Awards 4/2/13 5/7/13 5/29/13
12-13 FAC 11 Proposed list of holidays calendar 5/14/13  6/4/13 6/27/13
12-13 FAC 12 Separation of Department Chairs section from the Appointment and Review document 10/1/13 11/12/13 12/23/13
12-13 FAC 13 amended Suggested changes to the Appointment and Review of Administrative Officers of CSUEB document 10/1/13 11/12/13 Not approved: Presidential response