Executive Committee Document Archive

Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
23-24 BEC 1 2023-2024 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 9/5/23 11/7/23
23-24 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Senate Meeting Dates 9/5/23 9/26/23
23-24 BEC 3 Working Definition of JEDI Lens 9/5/23 referred back to FDEC on 10/17/23
23-24 BEC 4 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2023-24 9/19/23 11/7/23
23-24 BEC 5 Administrative Review Schedule 10/3/23 10/10/23 N/A
23-24 BEC 6 Formation of a Task Force to Revise the Policy Governing Faculty Participation in Reviews of Administrative Officers with a JEDI Lens tabled on 10/3 11/7/23
23-24 BEC 7 Annual Report of the Standing Committee Chairs (2022-23) via email 9/26/23
23-24 BEC 8 Bylaws Amendments for COBRA Membership 10/3/23 11/7/23 1/2/24
23-24 BEC 9 Convening of Task Force on Disability Justice and Accessibility 10/3/23 11/7/23
23-24 BEC 10 Approval of Bylaw Amendments to Elections Procedures 10/3/23 11/7/23 1/2/24
23-24 BEC 11 Convening of Task Force on Equity in Academic Policies tabled on 10/17
23-24 BEC 12 Bylaws Amendment to Add Second Staff Senator 10/17/23 1/23/24
23-24 BEC 13 Constitution and Bylaws Amendments to Definition of University Faculty 10/17/23 11/7/23
23-24 BEC 14 Resolution on Cuts to Spring 2024 Schedule via email 10/24/23 11/27/23
23-24 BEC 15 Bylaws Amendments for the Committee on Research 10/17/23 2/15/24 via email 4/18/24
23-24 BEC 16 Updates to Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 1/16/24 2/21/24 2/27/24
23-24 BEC 17 Constitution and Bylaws Amendments Adding Special Members to University Faculty 2/13/24
23-24 BEC 18 Constitution Amendments to Ratification Requirements for Amending Bylaws and Constitution 2/27/24
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
22-23 BEC 1 2022-2023 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate via email 9/13/22 9/23/22
22-23 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Senate Meeting Dates 8/23/22 8/30/22 9/6/22
22-23 BEC 3 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2022-23 9/6/22 9/27/22 11/9/22
22-23 BEC 4 Administrative Review Schedule 8/23/22 9/13/22 9/23/22
22-23 BEC 5 Annual Report of the Standing Committee Chairs (2021-22) 8/23/22 8/30/22 9/6/22
22-23 BEC 6 Intellectual Property Policy 2022 Update 9/6/22 9/27/22 11/9/22
22-23 BEC 7 Parental Leave Resolution 9/20/22 9/27/22 11/9/22
22-23 BEC 8 Convening of Task Force to Revise Policies and Procedures for Appointment and Review of Administrative Officers tabled 10/18 N/A
22-23 BEC 9 Convening of Task Force to Review and Revise Ten Point Plan: Creating a Campus Free from Harassment N/A
22-23 BEC 10 Re-re-reconvening of the Time Module Task Force 11/15/22 N/A N/A
22-23 BEC 11 Convening of Task Force to Revise the Constitution and Bylaws of the University Faculty 1/31/23 N/A N/A
22-23 BEC 12 Call for UHP Director 2023-2025 tabled 1/31 postponed thru AY 23-24
22-23 BEC 13 Executive Committee Statement of Support for Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria via email 2/21/23 2/23/23
22-23 BEC 14 Approval of Bylaw Amendments to CIC Policies and Procedures 3/14/23 4/11/23 4/26/23
22-23 BEC 15 FAC Policies and Procedures - Bylaw Amendments 3/14/23 4/11/23 4/26/23
22-23 BEC 16 Procedure for Electing Senate Officers and At-Large ExCom Members for 2023-24 4/4/23 4/11/23 4/26/23
22-23 BEC 17 Amendment to 22-23 BEC 1 Standing Rules (Senate Email Voting) 5/2/23 6/8/23
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
21-22 BEC 1 2021-2022 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 8/24/21 8/31/21 9/29/21
21-22 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Senate Meeting Dates 8/24/21 8/31/21 N/A
21-22 BEC 3 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2021-22 8/24/21 9/14/21 9/29/21
21-22 BEC 4 Administrative Review Schedule 9/7/21 9/14/21 N/A
21-22 BEC 5 2020-2021 Annual Reports of Standing Committee Chairs 8/24/21 8/31/21 N/A
21-22 BEC 6 Intellectual Property Policy Joint Subcommittee 10/19/21 N/A N/A
21-22 BEC 7 Reconvening of the Time Modules Task Force/U-Hour Assessment Subcommittee 10/19/21 N/A N/A
21-22 BEC 8 Resolution Calling for an Independent Investigation into Chancellor Castro’s Conduct at Fresno State N/A 3/8/22 N/A
21-22 BEC 9 Alumni Representation on Senate 3/15/22 4/12/22 N/A
21-22 BEC 10 Election Procedures and Vacancies 4/5/22 4/27/22 N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
20-21 BEC 1 2020-2021 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 8/18/20 8/25/20 8/28/20
20-21 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Senate Meeting Dates 8/18/20 8/25/20 N/A
20-21 BEC 3 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2020-21 8/18/20 8/25/20 8/28/20
20-21 BEC 4 2020-2021 Administrative Review Schedule 9/1/20 9/8/20 9/16/20
20-21 BEC 5 Annual Reports from Standing Committee Chairs 8/18/20 8/25/20 N/A
20-21 BEC 6 Online Synchronous Course Camera Policy discussed 10/27/20 N/A N/A
20-21 BEC 7 Referral to FAC Re: 16-17 FAC 3 FERP and PRTB: Interpretation of Rights to Participate in Elections and to Serve on Committees 9/15/20 10/6/20 N/A
20-21 BEC 8 Policy on Video Proctored Exams in Online Course Modalities 11/10/20 12/1/20 2/11/21
20-21 BEC 9 Referral to COBRA and ITAC 3/2/21 3/9/21 N/A
20-21 BEC 10 Referral to FAC to review and revise the syllabus policy 17-18 FAC 8 through consultation with CIC and FDEC 4/6/21 N/A N/A
20-21 BEC 11 Annual Report of the UHP Director N/A 5/4/21 as info N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
19-20 BEC 1 2019-2020 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 8/20/19 8/27/19 N/A
19-20 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Senate Meeting Dates 8/20/19 8/27/19 N/A
19-20 BEC 3 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2019-20 8/20/19 8/27/19 N/A
19-20 BEC 4 2019-2020 Administrative Review Schedule 8/20/19 8/27/19 N/A
19-20 BEC 5 Appointment of Prof. Chandrakala Ganesh to replace Excom Members-At-Large Senator Ian Pollock (Fall 2019) and Senator Joshua Kerr (Spring 2020) 8/20/19 8/27/19 N/A
19-20 BEC 6 Creation of a Special Committee of ExCom to recommend revisions of the California State University East Bay Constitution and By-Laws 8/20/19 8/27/19 N/A
19-20 BEC 7 Methodology and timeline for electing CSUEB faculty members to the Advisory Committee to the Trustees Committee for the Selection of the President (ACTCSP) 10/22/19 10/29/19 N/A
19-20 BEC 8 Use of Zoom Conferencing for Senate Governance Business in Spring 2020 3/10/20 3/17/20 3/19/20
19-20 BEC 9 Annual Reports of Senate Committee Chairs 4/21/20 as info 5/5/20 as info N/A


Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
18-19 BEC 1 amended 2018-2019 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 8/21/18 Amended and referred back 8/28/18 N/A
18-19 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Senate Meeting Dates 8/21/18 8/28/18 as info N/A
18-19 BEC 3 2018-2019 Administrative Review Schedule 9/11/18 10/9/18 as info 9/28/18
18-19 BEC 4 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2018-19 8/21/18 8/28/18 N/A
18-19 BEC 5 Minor changes to 18-19 BEC 1 amended: Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 9/11/18 9/18/18 as info N/A
18-19 BEC 6 Resolution Regarding the Agora Stage 2/19/19 3/19/19 4/3/19
18-19 BEC 7 Resolution Regarding the CSU Electronic Core Collection Funding 3/12/19 4/9/19 4/26/19
18-19 BEC 8 Changing Tu-Th Senate Committee Times to Match Time Modules 3/26/19 4/23/19 N/A
18-19 BEC 9 Resolution on ASCSU GE Task Force Report 4/16/19 4/30/19 N/A
  • 18-19 BC 1: 2017-2018 Senate and Committee Chair Annual Reports ACCEPTED 9/18/18
  • 18-19 BC 2: Additional 2017-2018 Committee Chair Annual Reports ACCEPTED 10/9/10
  • 18-19 FUFM 1: Resolution Regarding AS-3348-18/EX: Adoption of “Tenets of System Level Governance in the California State University” ACCEPTED 12/4/18
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
17-18 BEC 1 2017-2018 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 9/26/17 10/3/17 N/A
17-18 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Senate Meeting Dates 9/26/17 10/24/17 N/A
17-18 BEC 3 2017-2018 Administrative Review Schedule 9/26/17 11/14/17 11/1/17
17-18 BEC 4 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2017-18 9/26/17 10/3/17 N/A
17-18 BEC 5

Change in Date for Ballot and Specification of Effective Date for 16-17 FAC 7

9/26/17 10/3/17 N/A
17-18 BEC 6 amended

Resolution Regarding Executive Orders 1100 (revised) and 1110

10/17/17 10/24/17 N/A
17-18 BEC 7

Change in Ballot Date and Specification of Effective Date for 16-17 FAC 7

1/30/18 2/20/18 N/A
17-18 BEC 8 Faculty Workload Taskforce response memorandum from Provost Inch 2/13/18 2/20/18 N/A
17-18 BEC 9 Changes to 17-18 FAC 4 amended 2/27/18 3/6/18 N/A
17-18 BEC 10 Resolution Regarding Appreciation for the American Association of University Professors’ (AAUP) Support of Shared Governance at the California State University (CSU) 4/10/18 5/1/18 N/A
17-18 BEC 11 Formation of time modules task force 4/10/18 8/28/18 as info N/A
17-18 BEC 12 Approval of the Academic Programs Subcommittee 5/22/18 8/28/18 as info N/A
  • 17-18 BC 1: 2016-2017 Senate and Committee Chair Annual Reports ACCEPTED 10/24/17
  • 17-18 BC 2: Removal of 16-17 CIC 78: Proposed Change to Bylaws from the Fall 2017 University-Wide Ballot
  • 17-18 BC 3: Report of the CAPR Chair for 2016-17 ACCEPTED 11/14/17
  • 17-18 FUFM 1: CFA East Bay Chapter Endorsement of 17-18 BEC 6 amended: Resolution Regarding Executive Orders 1100 (revised) and 1110 ACCEPTED 11/14/17
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
16-17 BEC 1 2016-2017 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 9/27/16 10/4/16  N/A 
16-17 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Senate Meeting Dates 9/27/16 10/4/16  N/A 
16-17 BEC 3 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2016-17 9/27/16 10/4/16  N/A 
16-17 BEC 4 2016-2017 Administrative Review Schedule 9/27/16 1/10/17; accepted as info 10/4/16
16-17 BEC 5

Change in Due Date for Proposals for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students Awards for 2016-17

9/27/16 10/4/16; accepted as info  N/A 
16-17 BEC 6

Report of the Time Modules Task Force

10/18/16 11/29/16 1/24/17
16-17 BEC 7

Opposition to the Proposed Tuition Increase

11/22/16 11/29/16 N/A
16-17 BEC 8

Details of three-year pilot for time modules under the semester calendar

2/28/17; Excom revised and approved by email 3/9/17 5/2/17; accepted as info 3/28/17
16-17 BEC 9

Resolution Regarding the Chancellor’s Office Draft Policy on Intellectual Property

4/28/17 (approved by email)  5/2/17 3/28/17
  • 16-17 BC 1:15-16 Annual Reports from Academic Senate Standing Committee Chairs
  • 16-17 BC 2: Correspondence between Senate Chair and President regarding Recommendation on Classroom Renovation
  • 16-17 CAH 1:Workload assignment for University-wide supervisory coursework; Excom approved 1/17/17; Senate approved 1/24/17
  • 16-17 FUFM 1: Revision of the Revision of RTP Procedures for Electronic Submission of Dossiers
  • 16-17 FUFM 2: Honors Program Director Report for AY 2016-2017
  • 16-17 FUFM 3: Resolution Regarding Coded Memorandum ASA-2017-14
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
15-16 BEC 1 2015-2016 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 9/29/15 10/6/15 N/A 
15-16 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Senate Meeting Dates 10/x/15 (approved by email) 10/6/15 N/A 
15-16 BEC 3 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2015-16 10/13/15 10/20/15 N/A 
15-16 BEC 4 2015-2016 Administrative Review Schedule 10/13/15 Accepted as info on 10/20/15 11/13/15 
15-16 BEC 5 Resolution on California State University (CSU) 2015-16 Presidential Searches 9/29/15 10/6/15 N/A 
15-16 BEC 6 Referral to Review the Appointment Procedures for Membership on the Institutional Review Board (IRB) 1/5/16 N/A N/A 
15-16 BEC 7 Notification of Spring 2016 Academic Senate meeting date change; moving meeting from 4/19/16 to 4/12/16 3/1/16 3/8/16 N/A 
15-16 BEC 8 Placement of 14-15 FAC 15 on the Spring 2016 Ballot of the University Faculty 3/1/16 4/5/16 N/A 
15-16 BEC 9 Resolution in Support of AS 3249 3/29/16 4/5/16 N/A 
15-16 BEC 10 Resolution in Support of CFA Call for Strike 3/29/16 4/5/16 N/A 
15-16 BEC 11 Resolution re: shared governance N/A N/A N/A
15-16 BEC 12 Report of the Time Modules Task Force 5/24/16
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
14-15 BEC 1 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate  9/30/14 10/7/14 N/A 
14-15 BEC 2 Executive Committee and Academic Senate Meeting Schedule 9/30/14 10/7/14 N/A 
14-15 BEC 3 Election of 14-15 University Committee on Layoffs (UCL) 9/30/14 10/21/14 N/A
14-15 BEC 4 Administrative Review Schedule  9/30/14 10/7/14 11/7/14 with comment
14-15 BEC 5 Campus response to 120/180 unit cap process requested by ASCSU Executive Committee 11/25/14 12/2/14 N/A 
(provided as info to President)
14-15 BEC 6 Not Assigned N/A N/A N/A 
14-15 BEC 7 Addition of document designations for the Semester Conversion to the Standing Rules  2/3/15 2/17/15  
14-15 BEC 8 Resolution in Support of AS-3197-14/FA: The Need for a Comprehensive California State University Policy On Academic Freedom 3/3/15 3/10/15  
14-15 BEC 9 CSUEB Academic Senate Resolution on Campus-Based Equity Pay Increases for 2014-15 4/7/15 Tabled on 4/14/15  N/A
14-15 BEC 10 Placement of the Bylaws Amendment in 13-14 FAC 10 on the Fall 2015 Ballot Tabled on 5/12/15 N/A  N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
13-14 BEC 1 Executive Committee and Academic Senate Meeting Schedule via email N/A N/A
13-14 BEC 2 Election of 13-14 University Committee on Layoffs (UCL) 10/1/13 10/8/13 12/9/13
13-14 BEC 3 2013-2014 Administrative Review Schedule  10/1/13 11/12/13 Suggested Presidential amendment
13-14 BEC 4 Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 10/1/13 10/8/13 12/9/13
13-14 BEC 5 Resolution Regarding Appointment of a Faculty Trustee via email 10/8/13 12/9/13
13-14 BEC 6 Mitch Watnik's Return to Chair of the Academic Senate 11/5/13 11/12/13 N/A
13-14 BEC 7 Status of the Information and Technology Advisory Committee 10/29/13 12/3/13 N/A
13-14 BEC 8 revised Uniformity of College Elections 1/7/14 3/11/14 N/A
13-14 BEC 9 amended Resolution Against Hate Crimes at San Jose State University 11/26/13 12/3/13 N/A
13-14 BEC 10 Creation of Elected Subcommittees Referred to FAC 1/21/14 N/A N/A
13-14 BEC 11 Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of the University Faculty of CSU East Bay  Referred to FAC 1/21/14 N/A N/A
13-14 BEC 12 amended Changes to Article IX of the Constitution of the University Faculty of CSU East Bay 1/28/14 2/4/14 President Approved 4/11/14
13-14 BEC 13 Determination of Evaluations for Winter Quarter, 2014 3/4/14 3/11/14 (accepted as info) 4/8/14
13-14 BEC 14 Administrative Appointment and Review for the University Diversity Officer 4/1/14 4/22/14 Pending Presidential consideration
13-14 BEC 15 Update of Ten Point Plan: Creating a Campus Culture Free from Harassment 4/15/14 4/22/14 (accepted as info) N/A 
13-14 BEC 16 Resolution in Support of AB 2324 (now 13-14 FUFM 2)  N/A  6/3/14 N/A 
13-14 BEC 17 California State University, East Bay Resolution Supporting Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU) Recommendation to Amend Title 5 to Re-Establish Appropriate Unit Limits for Engineering Degrees (now 13-14 FUFM 1)  N/A  6/3/14 N/A 
13-14 BEC 18 Interpretation of Bylaws Article X, Section 1 5/27/14 6/3/14 (accepted as info)  N/A 
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
12-13 BEC 1 Revisions to the Standing Rules of the Academic Senate 10/2/12 10/9/12 N/A
12-13 BEC 2 Election of the University Committee on Layoffs (UCL), 2012-13 10/2/12 11/13/12 11/26/12
12-13 BEC 3 Academic Senate Meeting Schedule for 2012-13 10/2/12 10/9/12 N/A
12-13 BEC 4 Resolution for Investiture of the Fifth President 10/2/12 10/9/12 N/A
12-13 BEC 5 Interpretation of “significant changes” in academic programs and courses Referred to CIC on 11/6/12 and then tabled N/A N/A
12-13 BEC 6 Resolution Regarding Fee Structure at the CSU 4/30/13 Not passed on 5/21/13 N/A
12-13 BEC 7 Resolution in Opposition of SB 520 4/16/13 4/9/13 (approved in advance of finalized resolution) N/A