Working with Spam Protection Daily Report and Proofpoint Settings

Actions You Can Take With Quarantined Email


Click on an action to remove the email from the spam quarantine. If you do nothing, the email will be deleted after 30 days.

What does each action mean?

  • Release: allows this one specific message to go to your inbox.
  • Release and Allow Sender: allows this one specific message to go to your inbox and adds the user to your "safe sender" list so you will receive all future emails from the sender.
  • Not Spam: allows this one specific message to go to your inbox and teaches Proofpoint to allow emails with similar content to reach your inbox (e.g. if you are on a email newsletter list and you mark one email newsletter as Not Spam, Proofpoint should allow all future editions of that email newsletter even if the newsletter is sent from different email addresses).

Requesting a New Spam Protection Daily Report


Click Request New Spam Protection Daily Report to receive an updated email from Proofpoint with all of the emails that are currently in your spam quarantine folder.

This may be useful if you have just released a message or if you simply want an updated list of the emails in quarantine.

Requesting Safe/Blocked Senders List


Click Request Safe/Blocked Senders List to receive an email with a list of all of the email addresses that you have added as a "safe sender" or a "blocked sender."

This allows you to review the email addresses that you have added as safe and blocked and make any changes as needed.

  • You will only see email addresses that you have added as safe or blocked using Proofpoint; for example you will not see any emails that you have marked as "junk" in Microsoft Outlook or Gmail.


Managing Your Proofpoint Account

1. Click Manage My Account to manage your Proofpoint account.

Don't have a spam protection daily report email? You can go to the CSUEB Proofpoint Spam Report website to log in.


Click Manage My Account to go to the Proofpoint web application.

In the Proofpoint web application you can:

  • review the emails that are currently in your spam quarantine folder
  • delete emails that are currently in your spam quarantine folder
  • release emails in your spam quarantine folder
  • mark emails in your spam quarantine folder as "not spam"
  • add users to your safe or blocked sender lists
  • request a new spam protection daily report
  • request an email with your safe/blocked senders list

2. If prompted, enter your campus NetID and password. You're now in your Proofpoint account and can manage your settings.

Quarantine Folder

1. Click Quarantine to view/manage all of the messages that have been marked as spam.


  1. Click Quarantine to view all of the messages that are currently in your quarantine (i.e. are marked as spam).
  2. You can search these emails, release selected emails, mark selected emails as not spam, allow the sender of selected emails, or use the Options menu to request a new spam protection daily report (request digest).


1. Click Lists to view/manage your Safe Senders List and Blocked Senders List.


  1. Click Lists to access your Safe Senders List and Blocked Senders List.
  2. In the Lists folder, you will see your safe senders list and your blocked senders list.
  3. For each list, you can add, edit, and delete email addresses. You can also use the Options menu to request the lists to be emailed to you.