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Careers for Majors
Over 15 million people are employed by public organizations. This is approximately one-sixth of the work force in the United States, nearly as many people as are employed by all of the Fortune 500 private sector businesses.
There are approximately 86,000 governmental jurisdictions in the United States involving federal, state, and local governments. At the local government level they range in size from large political units such as Alameda County (10,000 employees) to small single purpose special districts such as the Hayward Area Recreation District. Public Administration involves the study of public policy development as well as issues and concepts of managing people in organizations. Public Administration requires people who value and are interested in serving the public good, in fostering thoughtful public policy development, in improving and changing public organizations, in achieving excellence in public management, and who are stimulated by the challenge of turning program ideas into public services for people as a way of serving the public interest.
Public sector salaries are generally competitive with those in private industry. Pay scales range from approximately $25,000 for the beginning employees with a 4-year college degree to over $130,000 for top level administrators. Beginning employees with Masters degrees can expect to earn $35,000 to $45,000 per year.
Employment Outlook
The prospects in public administration employment are at least as good as those of most other professional fields. The Department of Labor reported an unemployment rate of 5.5% in California.