The primary goal of the Pioneers for HOPE Learning Framework is to explore barriers and facilitators of student success at Cal State East Bay, including basic needs, academic supports and challenges, health and well-being, and more.
The Pioneers for HOPE Learning Framework was an action research project that ran from 2017-2021. Though the project has formally ended, data analysis, writing, and dissemination are continuing. The first year of the project (2017-2018) focused on needs assessment and research. In the second year (2018-2019), we piloted a mentoring program and facilitated a Faculty Learning Community. In 2020, we focused on student housing issues through the #MakeRoom project.The Pioneers for HOPE Program is Cal State East Bay's intervention program that addresses the Chancellor's food and housing security initiatives to include wide-ranging efforts to immediately serve some of our most-at risk students facing housing insecurity, food insecurity, and other crisis situations.
Many thanks to the Stupski Foundation for supporting this project.