Employees eligible for the CSU Tuition Fee Waiver program may transfer their existing tuition fee waiver benefit entitlement to an eligible dependent - spouse, dependent child or domestic partner. Proof of relationship will be required if your dependent is not on your benefits. This benefit is subject to the following conditions:
- The employee may transfer tuition fee waiver eligibility to only one dependent; therefore, employee cannot participate in the tuition fee waiver program during the dependent’s participation.
- Eligible dependent must be matriculated toward a degree or teaching credential at a CSU campus. Courses must count for credit toward a degree or credential. Normal academic standards must be maintained.
- If both parents are eligible employees, each may confer a tuition fee waiver benefit -- even to the same dependent.
- Approval is for one term only and must be re-established for each additional term of enrollment. A Dependent Tuition Fee Waiver Application must be submitted for each term.
- Eligible dependent may use the dependent tuition fee waiver eligibility at another CSU campus.
- This tuition fee waiver benefit does not apply to out-of-state tuition. This benefit applies to CSU general fund courses only. Courses in self-support programs may not be taken through tuition fee waiver.
Dependent childis defined as - your child or stepchild under age 25 (under age 23 for UAPD (Unit 1) and age 25 for SUPA (Unit 8)) who has never been married; or a child living with you in a parent-child relationship who is economically dependent upon you, under age 25 and has never been married.
Domestic Partnership as defined by the State of California: Same-sex domestic partnerships between persons who are both at least 18 years of age, OR opposite sex domestic partnerships when one or both persons are over the age of 62 and one or both partners meet the specified eligibility criteria under the Social Security Act. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: Domestic Partnerships meeting these requirements are eligible to register with the Secretary of State a Declaration of Domestic Partnership. Forms are available in the Office of Human Resources, SA 2600.