The GANAS (Gaining Access 'N Academic Success) Program is an innovative access and retention program that offers integrated academic and cultural programming to welcome and socialize new transfer students while increasing their confidence, engagement, academic success, persistence, and, ultimately, baccalaureate degree attainment rates.

Transfer students participate in a year-long cohort-based learning community paired with a transfer success seminar, intrusive academic counseling, and mentoring. GANAS helps students integrate their home and school identities by creating a sense of familia (family) within the cohort.

While GANAS is open to all students, our program provides Latino/a-themed academic content and supportive services.

Description of Program

 Students in GANAS will participate in a one-year cohort experience paired with intensive counseling and mentoring. Transfer Students will complete their upper division graduation requirements (B6, C4, D4 and Overlays) by taking two successive courses during their first year at Cal State East Bay. Faculty who are committed to student success will teach GANAS courses. As GANAS students continue at Cal State East Bay, they will be encouraged to serve as role models, mentor future students, and promote CSUEB as an "Effective and Friendly Hispanic Serving Institution."


Excelencia Badge

GANAS in the News

12/27/2013 - GANAS Helps Latino Transfer Students Gain Confidence, Degree

10/14/2014 - Cal State East Bay Recognized for Increasing Latino Student Achievement in Higher Education

3/9/2015 - Cal State East Bay’s GANAS Program is Finalist at Inaugural California Awards for Innovation in Higher Education Showcase

6/5/2015 - CSUEB’s Highly-Successful GANAS Program Celebrates First Graduating Class

11/29/2016 - GANAS - Paving the Way for Transfer Success at Cal State East Bay

10/12/2018- Excelencia in Education

12/6/2018- Race, Politics and Dance

05/01/2024-Advancing What Works to Intentionally Serve Latino Students: Opportunities for Action—2024 by Excelencia in Education!