Edited Volumes
2021 Chineseness on the Margins. Special Issue of Language and Communication. (Mie Hiramoto, Hsi-Yao Su and Andrew Wong)
2002 Language and Sexuality: Contesting Meaning in Theory and Practice. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. (Kathryn Campbell-Kibler, Robert Podesva, Sarah Roberts and Andrew Wong)
Book Chapters and Journal Articles
Hong Kong and Mainland China
2024 Funny words on the screen: Exploring linguistic authority through subtitling practices. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/jola.12437
2023 “Gangpu is too funny!”: The mediatization of Hong Kong Mandarin as a jocular register. Language in Society. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047404523000416
2023 The ongoing business of Chinese language reform: A view from the periphery of Hong Kong in the last half century. Modern China 49 (4): 448-479. (John Wong and Andrew Wong)
2021 Found in transliteration: Translanguaging and the polyvocality of Xiqu Centre. Journal of Sociolinguistics 25 (1): 26-43.
2021 Chineseness and Cantonese tones in post-1997 Hong Kong. Language & Communication 76: 58-68.
2021 Complicating raciolinguistics: Language, Chineseness, and the Sinophone. Language & Communication 76: 131-135. (Andrew Wong, Hsi-Yao Su and Mie Hiramoto)
2019 Authenticity, belonging, and charter myths of Cantonese. Language & Communication 68: 37-45.
2016 On the iconization of simplified Chinese. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 26 (2): 183-202.
Tongzhi, Ideologies, and Semantic Change
In Prep. Marginal subjects and peripheral visions. In Rodrigo Borba, Kira Hall, and Mie Hiramoto, eds. Language, Gender, and Sexuality: An Anticipatory Retrospective. Sheffield, UK: Equinox.
2015 How does oppression work? Insights from Hong Kong lesbians' labeling practices. In Erez Levon and Ronald Mendes, eds. Language, Sexuality, and Power: Studies in Intersectional Sociolinguistics. 19-38. New York: Oxford University Press.
2013 Media, politics, and semantic change. In Christine Mallinson, Becky Childs, and Gerard van Herk, eds. Data Collection in Sociolinguistics: Methods and Applications. 314-317. New York: Routledge.
2008 The trouble with tongzhi: The politics of labeling among gay and lesbian Hongkongers. Pragmatics 18 (2): 277-301.
2005 The reappropriation of tongzhi. Language in Society 34 (5): 763-793.
2000 The linguistic construction of the tongzhi community. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 10 (2): 248-278. (Andrew Wong and Qing Zhang)
Marketing and Linguistic Anthropology
2014 Branding and linguistic anthropology: Brand names, indexical fields, and sound symbolism. Practicing Anthropology 36 (1): 38-41.
2013 Brand names and unconventional spelling: A two-pronged analysis of the orthographic construction of brand identity. Written Language & Literacy 16 (2): 115-145.
2012 Teaching consumer-oriented ethnographic research. Marketing Education Review 22 (1): 15-19. (Andrew Wong and Lan Wu)
2010 My foray into the other side: Preparing students for corporate careers. Practicing Anthropology 32 (2): 31-35.