Plant Genomics Data

Green Biome Institute



The GBI is striving to publish our draft genomic profiles in as transparent a manner as possible.
We will therefore compose a White Papers for every plant dataset created illustrating our data quality and the details of analysis methodology. These will be available shortly. If you have questions or inquiries, please contact Dr. Chris Baysdorfer.

The table below contains links to all available sequencing data we have assembled on endangered California plants to date.The first accession number link will take you to the bioproject page of Genbank and from there you can access raw datasets and other information. The second link under Calflora takes you to the appropriate CalFlora page for each plant type. The in-depth Calflora reviews of each of California's plants are a great resource for plant information. Lastly, several plants are listed as unavailable. Data for these plants exists and if you are interested in a not-yet-released plant, please reach out to our PIs in charge of the plant species. Dr. Ana Almeida is in charge of the Manzanita program. All other plants including; the Fritillaria, Scoliopus, and Prosartes programs are managed by Dr. Chris Baysdorfer. We hope you find the information useful and encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions!


The table contains links to all available sequencing data we have assembled on endangered California plants to date.




BioProject Accession Number(s)


Data Released

Abronia alpina Ramshaw meadows abronia 1B.1 PRJNA1085347 link Yes
Agrostis hooveri Hoover's bent grass, Hoover's bentgrass 1B.2 PRJNA1083522 link Yes
Astragalus pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus Marsh milk vetch,
Marsh milkvetch
1B.1 PRJNA1082787 link Yes
Baccharis plummerae ssp. glabrata San simeon baccharis 1B.2 PRJNA1083534 link Yes
Baccharis vanessae Encinitas baccharis 1B.1 PRJNA1085363 link Yes
Balsamorhiza macrolepis
(Big-scale balsamroot)
Big scale balsam root, California balsamroot 1B.2 PRJNA1085374 link Yes
Bensoniella oregona Bensoniella 1B.1 PRJNA1083610 link Yes
Berberis nevinii Nevin's barberry 1B.1 PRJNA1082748 link Yes
Berberis pinnata ssp. insularis Island barberry 1B.2 PRJNA1143663 link Yes
Brodiaea filifolia Thread leaved brodiaea, Threadleaf brodiaea 1B.1 PRJNA1085364 link Yes
Brodiaea orcutti Orcutt's brodiaea 1B.1 PRJNA1086974 link Yes
Brodiaea pallida Chinese camp brodiaea 1B.1 PRJNA1197549 link Yes
Calystegia purpurata ssp. saxicola Bodega morning glory, Pacific false bindweed 1B.2 PRJNA1083552 link Yes
Calystegia stebbinsii Cutleaf morning glory, El dorado morningglory,
Stebbins's morning glory
1B.1 PRJNA1082740 link Yes
Campanula californica Swamp harebell 1B.2 PRJNA1083936 link Yes
Carex xerophila chaparral sedge 1B.2 PRJNA1083609 link Yes
Castilleja ambigua var. humboldtiensis Humboldt bay owl's-clover 1B.2 PRJNA1143650 link Yes
Castilleja hololeuca Island white-felted paintbrush 1B.2 PRJNA1083550 link Yes
Castilleja mendocinensis Mendocino coast paintbrush 1B.2 PRJNA1143909 link Yes
Ceanothus confusus Rincon ridge ceanothus 1B.1 PRJNA1083538 link Yes
Ceanothus divergens Calistoga ceanothus 1B.2 PRJNA1083547 link Yes
Ceanothus foliosus var. vineatus Vine hill ceanothus 1B.1 PRJNA1082741 link Yes
Ceanothus hearstiorum Hearst ranch buckbrush, Hearst's ceanothus 1B.2 PRJNA1083549 link Yes
Ceanothus maritimus Maritime ceanothus,
San luis obispo ceanothus
1B.2 PRJNA1083551 link Yes
Ceanothus roderickii Pine hill buckbrush,
Pine hill ceanothus
1B.1 PRJNA1082705 link Yes
Centromadia parryi ssp. parryi Pappose tarplant 1B.2 PRJNA1143918 link Yes
Centromadia pungens ssp. laevis Smooth tarplant 1B.1 PRJNA1143651 link Yes
Chlorogalum grandiflorum Red hills soap plant, Red hills soaproot 1B.2 PRJNA1083548 link Yes
Chlorogalum purpureum var. purpureum Purple amole 1B.1 PRJNA1086981 link Yes
Chloropyron palmatum Palmate-bracted bird's-beak 1B.1 PRJNA1143916 link Yes
Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii Robust spineflower, Scott's valley spineflower 1B.1 PRJNA1143680 link Yes
Clarkia franciscana Presidio clarkia 1B.1 PRJNA1143544 link Yes
Clarkia imbricata Vine hill clarkia 1B.1 PRJNA1082710 link Yes
Clarkia jolonensis Jolon clarkia 1B.2 PRJNA1082710 link Yes
Clarkia mildrediae ssp. mildrediae Mildred's clarkia 1B.3 PRJNA1143681 link Yes
Crocanthemum greenei Island rush-rose 1B.2 PRJNA1082739 link Yes
Deinandra bacigalupii Livermore moonshine, Livermore tarplant 1B.1 PRJNA1143917 link Yes
Delphinium bakeri Baker's delphinium, Baker's larkspur 1B.1 PRJNA1082753 link Yes
Delphinium luteum (Golden larkspur) Golden larkspur,
Yellow larkspur
1B.1 PRJNA1085366 link Yes
Dirca occidentalis Western leatherwood 1B.2 PRJNA1083554 link Yes
Dudleya densiflora San gabriel mountains liveforever, San gabriel mtns. dudleya 1B.1 PRJNA1082320 link Yes
Dudleya gnoma Munchkin liveforever 1B.1 PRJNA1083519 link Yes
dudleya setchellii Santa clara valley dudleya 1B.1 PRJNA1143919 link Yes
Erigeron maniopotamicus Mad river fleabane daisy 1B.2 PRJNA1143676 link Yes
Eriodictyon altissimum Indian knob mountainbalm 1B.1 PRJNA1082750 link Yes
Eriogonum crocatum Conejo buckwheat 1B.2 PRJNA1083555 link Yes
Eriogonum giganteum var. compactum Santa barbara island buckwheat 1B.3 PRJNA1143668 link Yes
Eriogonum grande var. rubescens Red flowered buckwheat, Redflower buckwheat 1B.2 PRJNA1085359 link Yes
Eriogonum grande var. timorum (San Nicolas Island buckwheat) San nicolas island buckwheat 1B.1 PRJNA1085367 link Yes
Eriogonum luteolum var. saltuarium Goldencarpet buckwheat 1B.2 PRJNA1143677 link Yes
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum Cushenbury buckwheat 1B.1 PRJNA1083611 link Yes
Eriogonum truncatum Mt. Diablo buckwheat 1B.1 PRJNA1080902 link Yes
Eriogonum umbellatum var. lautum Scott valley buckwheat 1B.1 PRJNA1143906 link Yes
Eryngium jepsonii Jepson's eryngo 1B.2 PRJNA1131483 link Yes
Eryngium pinnatisectum Tuolumne button celery, Tuolumne eryngo 1B.2 PRJNA1143678 link Yes
Erysimum concinnum (Bluff wallflower) Bluff wallflower,
Headland wallflower
1B.2 PRJNA1085371 link Yes
Frangula purshiana ssp. ultramafica Caribou coffeeberry 1B.2 PRJNA1082711 link Yes
Fremontodendron decumbens Pine hill flannelbush 1B.2 PRJNA1083556 link Yes
Fremontodendron mexicanum Mexican flannelbush 1B.1 PRJNA1143911 link Yes
Fritillaria affinis var. tristulis Coast checker lily, Mission bells 1B.1 PRJNA1085351 link Yes
Fritillaria agrestis Stinkbells 4.2 PRJNA1086975 link Yes
Fritillaria agrestis Stinkbells 4.2 PRJNA1086976 link Yes
Fritillaria biflora Chocolate lily 1B.1 PRJNA1085352 link Yes
Fritillaria biflora var. ineziana Hillsborough
chocolate lily
1B.1 PRJNA1086977 link Yes
Fritillaria falcata Talus fritillary 1B.2 PRJNA1085353 link Yes
Fritillaria liliacea Fragrant fritillary 1B.2 PRJNA1086978 link Yes
Fritillaria liliacea Fragrant fritillary 1B.2 PRJNA1086979 link Yes
Fritillaria liliacea Fragrant fritillary 1B.2 PRJNA1086980 link Yes
Fritillaria pluriflora Adobe lily 1B.2 PRJNA1085354 link Yes
Fritillaria roderickii Roderick's fritillary 1B.1 PRJNA1085355 link Yes
Fritillaria striata Striped adobe lily 1B.1 PRJNA1085361 link Yes
Galium buxifolium Box bedstraw 1B.2 PRJNA1083608 link Yes
Galium californicum ssp. luciense Cone Peak bedstraw 1B.3 PRJNA1082752 link Yes
Galium californicum ssp. sierrae El dorado bedstraw 1B.2 PRJNA1083562 link Yes
Gambelia speciosa Showy island snapdragon 1B.2 PRJNA1083558 link Yes
Gambelia speciosa Showy island snapdragon 1B.2 PRJNA1143653 link Yes
Helianthella castanea Mt. diablo helianthella 1B.2 PRJNA1083563 link Yes
Heuchera brevistaminea Laguna mountain alumroot, Mt. laguna alumroot 1B.3 PRJNA1082749 link Yes
Heuchera maxima Island alum root,
Island alumroot,
Jill of the rocks
1B.2 PRJNA1143661 link Yes
Hoita strobilina Loma Prieta hoita,
Loma prieta psoralea
1B.1 PRJNA1082347 link Yes
Horkelia marinensis Point reyes horkelia 1B.2 PRJNA1085375 link Yes
Horkelia parryi Parry horkelia, Parry's horkelia 1B.2 PRJNA1083564 link Yes
Lasthenia conjugens Contra costa goldfields 1B.1 PRJNA1083938 link Yes
Lavatera assurgentiflora ssp. glabra Southern island mallow 1B.1 PRJNA1082754 link Yes
Lilium maritimum Coast lily 1B.1 PRJNA1086982 link Yes
Lilium occidentale Western lily 1B.1 PRJNA1143667 link Yes
Lilium pardalinum ssp. pitkinense (Pitkin Marsh lily) Pitkin marsh lily 1B.1 PRJNA1086983 link Yes
Limnanthes douglasii ssp. sulphurea Douglas' meadowfoam,
Meadow foam, Point Reyes meadowfoam
1B.2 PRJNA1143915 link Yes
Lonicera subspicata var. subspicata Santa Barbara honeysuckle, Southern honeysuckle 1B.2 PRJNA1083565 link Yes
Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. aspleniifolius Santa cruz island ironwood 1B.2 PRJNA1143655 link Yes
Malacothamnus abbottii Abbott's bushmallow 1B.1 PRJNA1085362 link Yes
Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. nesioticus (Santa Cruz Island bush-mallow) Santa Cruz Island bushmallow 1B.1 PRJNA1085368 link Yes
Malacothrix indecora Santa cruz island cliff aster, Santa cruz island
desertdandelion, Santa cruz island malacothrix
1B.1 PRJNA1085365 link Yes
Monardella australis ssp. jokerstii Jokerst's monardella 1B.1 PRJNA1143652 link Yes
Monardella palmeri Palmer's monardella 1B.2 PRJNA1143912 link Yes
Munzothamnus blairii Blair's wirelettuce 1B.2 PRJNA1083566 link Yes
Neviusia cliftonii Shasta snow wreath 1B.2 PRJNA1143657 link Yes
Noccaea fendleri ssp. californica Kneeland prairie pennycress 1B.1 PRJNA1143682 link Yes
Nolina interrata (Dehesa nolina) Dehesa beargrass, Dehesa nolina 1B.1 PRJNA1085369 link Yes
Oenothera wolfii Wolf's evening primrose 1B.1 PRJNA1083941 link Yes
Packera layneae (Layne's ragwort) Layne's ragwort 1B.2 PRJNA1085373 link Yes
Panicum acuminatum var. thermale Geysers panicum 1B.2 PRJNA1083567 link Yes
Penstemon newberryi var. sonomensis Sonoma beardtongue 1B.3 PRJNA1143914 link Yes
Pinus contorta ssp. bolanderi Bolander pine, Bolander's beach pine 1B.2 PRJNA1083568 link Yes
Plagiobothrys chorisianus var. chorisianus Artist's popcornflower, Choris's popcorn flower 1B.2 PRJNA1143910 link Yes
Polygonum hickmanii (Scotts Valley polygonum) Hickman's knotweed, Scotts Valley polygonum 1B.1 PRJNA1085370 link Yes
Prosartes parvifolia Siskiyou bells 1B.2 PRJNA1085357 link Yes
Quercus dumosa Coastal sage scrub oak, Nuttall's scrub oak 1B.1 PRJNA1082751 link Yes
Ribes viburnifolium Catalina currant,
Island gooseberry,
Santa catalina island currant
1B.2 PRJNA1143662 link Yes
Rosa woodsii var. glabrata Woods' rose 1B.1 PRJNA1082345 link Yes
Salvia brandegeei Brandegee's sage, Santa rosa island sage 1B.2 PRJNA1143658 link Yes
Sidalcea calycosa ssp. rhizomata Point reyes checkerbloom, Pt. reyes checkerbloom, Pt. reyes sidalcea 1B.2 PRJNA1085345 link Yes
Sidalcea oregana ssp. valida Kenwood marsh checkerbloom 1B.1 PRJNA1085360 link Yes
Silene verecunda ssp. verecunda Dolores campion,
San francisco campion
1B.2 PRJNA1144405 link Yes
Streptanthus albidus ssp. albidus Metcalf canyon jewel flower, Metcalf canyon jewelflower 1B.1 PRJNA1143920 link Yes
Streptanthus albidus ssp. peramoenus Most beautiful jewel flower, Most beautiful jewelflower 1B.2 PRJNA1143921 link Yes
Streptanthus hispidus Mt. diablo jewel flower, Mt. diablo jewelflower 1B.3 PRJNA1143913 link Yes
Streptanthus tortuosus ssp. truei True's mountain jewelflower 1B.1 PRJNA1143679 link Yes
Suaeda esteroa Estuary seablite 1B.2 PRJNA1082712 link Yes
Tracyina rostrata Beaked tracyina,
Indian headdress
1B.2 PRJNA1143907 link Yes
Wyethia reticulata El dorado county
mule ears, El dorado mule ears, Eldorado wyethia
1B.2 PRJNA1085356 link Yes
Arctostaphylos andersonii Heartleaf manzanita, Santa cruz manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1143673 link No
Arctostaphylos auriculata Mount Diablo manzanita 1B.3 PRJNA1084032 link No
Arctostaphylos bakeri ssp. bakeri (Baker's manzanita) Baker's manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082755 link No
Arctostaphylos bakeri ssp. sublaevis The cedars manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1143660 link No
Arctostaphylos confertiflora Santa rosa island manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1082789 link No
Arctostaphylos cruzensis Arroyo de la cruz manzanita, La cruz manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1143671 link No
Arctostaphylos densiflora Vine hill manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1083942 link No
Arctostaphylos edmundsii Little sur manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1082790 link No
Arctostaphylos franciscana Franciscan manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082758 link No
Arctostaphylos gabilanensis Gabilan mountains manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1082759 link No
Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. crassifolia Costa baja manzanita, Del mar manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082760 link No
Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. hearstiorum Hearst's manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1082791 link No
Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. hookeri Hooker's manzanita, Monterey manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1082792 link No
Arctostaphylos imbricata San bruno mountain manzanita, San bruno mtn. manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082761 link No
Arctostaphylos manzanita ssp. laevigata Contra costa manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1082762 link No
Arctostaphylos montana ssp. ravenii Presidio manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082766 link No
Arctostaphylos montereyensis Monterey manzanita, Toro manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1143672 link No
Arctostaphylos morroensis Morro manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1083943 link No
Arctostaphylos nummularia ssp. mendocinoensis Pygmy manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1082779 link No
Arctostaphylos ohloneana Ohlone manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1143659 link No
Arctostaphylos osoensis Oso manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1083523 link No
Arctostaphylos Otayensis Otay manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1143675 link No
Arctostaphylos pacifica Pacific manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082781 link No
Arctostaphylos pajaroensis Pajaro manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082782 link No
Arctostaphylos pallida Alameda manzanita, Oakland hills manzanita, Pallid manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082783 link No
Arctostaphylos pechoensis Pecho manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1143665 link No
Arctostaphylos pumila Dune manzanita, Sandmat manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1083525 link No
Arctostaphylos purissima La purisima manzanita, La purissima manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1083944 link No
Arctostaphylos rainbowensis Rainbow manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1083945 link No
Arctostaphylos refugioensis Refugio manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1143674 link No
Arctostaphylos regismontana
Kings mountain manzanita, Kings mtn. manzanita
1B.2 PRJNA1083946 link No
Arctostaphylos rudis Sand mesa manzanita, Shagbark manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1143664 link No
Arctostaphylos silvicola Bonny doon manzanita, Silverleaf manzanita 1B.2 PRJNA1083526 link No
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana ssp. decumbens Rincon manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082785 link No
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana ssp. raichei Rincon manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1083947 link No
Arctostaphylos tomentosa ssp. daciticola (Dacite manzanita) Dacite manzanita 1B.1 PRJNA1082786 link No
Arctostaphylos virgata Bolinas manzanita,
Marin manzanita
1B.2 PRJNA1083533 link No
Carex klamathensis 1B.2 PRJNA1143908 link No
Castilleja mollis Soft leaved indian paintbrush 1B.1 PRJNA839797 link No
Cercocarpus traskiae Catalina Island Mountain Mahogany 1B.1 PRJNA1082338 link No
Fritillaria affinis Checker lily, Mission bells N/A PRJNA1199496 link No
Fritillaria agrestis Stinkbells 4.2 PRJNA1199494 link No
Fritillaria biflora Chocolate lily 1B.1 PRJNA1199497 link No
Fritillaria biflora Chocolate lily 1B.1 PRJNA1199498 link No
Fritillaria biflora Chocolate lily 1B.1 PRJNA1199499 link No
Fritillaria liliacea Fragrant fritillary 1B.2 PRJNA1199493 link No
Fritillaria liliacea Fragrant fritillary 1B.2 PRJNA1199492 link No
Fritillaria purdyi Purdy's fritillary 4.3 PRJNA1199501 link No
Scoliopus bigelovii California fetid adderstongue, Fetid adder's tongue, Slink pod N/A PRJNA1085358 link No
Scoliopus hallii Oregon fetid adderstongue N/A PRJNA1085346 N/A No
Coming soon.
Coming soon.


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