Mission Vision and Values

Our roadmap for every function and every department at the College of Business and Economics as we implement our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan.



To be a leader in career-ready business education for students with diverse backgrounds and assist East Bay businesses to create economic impact for the Northern California region.


We aspire to be a nationally renowned business school recognized for students’ upward social mobility, innovation in teaching and research, and positive societal impact.



In support of our mission, we value:

  • Excellence - In teaching and educational innovation, research and scholarship in the theory, practice, and teaching of business
  • Inclusiveness - For a diverse student population, including underserved and first‐generation students
  • Engagement - Community outreach with local businesses
  • Global Thinking - Adaptable and forward-looking global mindset
  • Responsibility - Contributions that foster corporate, social, and environmental responsibility
  • Integrity - Ethical behavior and mutual respect


Objectives & Key Results

  • Secure a quality business education with a current and relevant curriculum and student support to assure persistence and completion.
  • Invest in faculty excellence (teaching, research, and service) to secure a quality business education.
  • Build and sustain inclusive high-impact learning practices to prepare students for career success.
  • Support and enrich practices to promote societal impacts.