NOTE 1: If you are alleging discrimination as part of your grade appeal and academic grievance case, you should also file a separate discrimination case with the staff of the Title IX/Discrimination, Harassment, & Retaliation Office. They can be contacted at or (510) 885-4918. The grade appeal/academic grievance and discrimination complaint processes will take place simultaneously with the results of the discrimination case added to your case file before being distributed to the Grade Appeal & Academic Grievance Committee (Step 9 below) for their consideration.
NOTE 2: *Students with concerns about an Academic Dishonesty Reports (ADR) filed against them, if there are no other ADRs in your file, the only thing that occurs (unless otherwise requested by the faculty person) is that these reports are placed in your file where they will remain for five years or up until your graduate, whichever comes first. These reports are placed in your file so that there is a record of any previous incidents in the event that another ADR is filed against you. Under normal circumstances, it is only after one (possibly two) ADRs that Judicial Affairs may then contact you to speak to you about additional consequences. Otherwise, these reports are not forwarded to anyone, placed on your transcript or even communicated to teachers of courses that you take moving forward. In the case that a student believes that an ADR has been filed against them inappropriately, they can petition the Grade Appeal Committee to have a hearing to determine whether there is enough evidence to have the ADR removed from a student's file. The steps for doing this are listed below.
The full set of steps you would need to follow prior to and when filing a grade appeal petition can be found here, and the petition form is here.
1) Before you can file a petition, you will need to formally bring up your concerns to the instructor for the relevant course;
2) The next step would be to discuss your concerns formally with the Chair of the Department in which the course is taught.
3) If your concerns are not addressed to your satisfaction following your discussion with the Department Chair, you would then bring your concerns formally to the Associate Dean of the college to see if your concerns can be resolved there.
4) Once you have completed these steps, the next step involves you contacting me (i.e. the Presidential Appointee to the Grade Appeals and Academic Grievance (GAAG) Committee) regarding moving forward with filing a formal petition. I can advise you on the strength of your case and provide you with additional details about filing an appeal.
5) Following making contact with me again, if you decide to pursue filing a petition to have your case heard, then you will need to fill out the petition form. As part of your filing, you will be asked to attach a Statement of Grievance and any additional any materials (e.g., the course syllabus, copies of emails; copies of relevant exams and/or assignments; a copy of the Academic Dishonesty Report where relevant) which help clarify or support the points you make in your statement. For your Statement of Grievance, be sure to describe the specific basis on which you are filing your petition (i.e., see points a-g on pgs. 1-2, of the GAAG document here to read more about what constitutes "unfair"). Also, since your case would be submitted for consideration following the above-stated deadline, you should make sure that you indicate in your petition why you did not submit your petition before/by the deadline.
6) After you have attached your Statement of Grievance and supporting materials to the two-page petition form and you have submitted it, you need to send an email to the Presidential Appointee (P.A.; Dr. Erica Wildy) of the GAAG Committee at letting her know that you have completed this form.
7) The P.A. will next send the packet to the Associate Dean of the College sign off on (on the second page of the petition form) as an acknowledgement that they are aware of this submission (during Fall 2022, this will be done electronically).
8) Once the Associate Dean has signed off on the petition packet, they will send the packet back to the P.A. The P.A. will then start a file for you. The dates of the Spring 2024 GAAG Committee meetings are listed below.
Because the steps that come between a student submitting their materials and a case being brought before the Grade Appeal Committee follows specific timeline (see steps 9-10 below), the deadlines for you to submit your materials in order for your case to be heard at a specific meeting are as follows:
- the January 22, 2024 meeting: deadline December 4, 2023
- the February 12, 2024 meeting: deadline January 22, 2024
- the February 26, 2024 meeting: deadline February 5, 2024
- the March 11, 2024 meeting: deadline February 19, 2024
- the March 25, 2024 meeting: deadline March 4, 2024
- the April 8, 2024 meeting: deadline is March 18, 2024
- the April 22, 2024 meeting: deadline is April 1, 2024
9) Next, the Presidential Appointee for the GAAG committee contacts the instructor of the course in question and provides them with your case file and an opportunity to submit a response. They will have ten "academic" days (i.e., does not include weekend days).
10) Following the ten academic days, the Presidential Appointee of the GAAG Committee will make sure all of the received materials are copied and distributed to all of the GAAG committee members at least a week ahead of the next meeting to review The GAAG Committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month (see specific dates listed above for Spring 2024. This includes any findings from the Office of Investigations (i.e., the Discrimination Office) if your case includes allegations of this nature.
11) At that point, the GAAG Committee, which consists of five faculty and one or two students, vote on whether your case should be forwarded to be considered at a Hearing Panel.
12) If the GAAG Committee decides that your case should not be forwarded to a hearing panel, then the faculty member's decision stays in place and that is where things end. However, if they decide to forward your case to a hearing panel, then your case will be heard by a new, smaller group of individuals referred to as the Hearing Panel:
The Hearing Panel will consist of two new faculty and one student They will:
- consider your case more in depth;
- call for any additional materials that they think are important;
- give you an opportunity to speak on your own behalf;
- give the faculty person a chance to speak on their own behalf (at a separate time from you);
- after they consider all of the information in front of them, they deliberate on the matter and issue a final decision on whether you should have your resolution met and/or if the faculty's decision should remain in place.