To be reinstated following Academic Disqualification, students must improve their CSUEB and/or cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) to at least 2.0 by repeating courses for Grade Forgiveness via Open University at CSUEB or at another institution. Students are strongly encouraged to earn a minimum 2.5 GPA (B-/C+) in repeated courses, as this is the best strategy to improve the GPA.
It typically takes at least a semester, if not an entire year, to be considered for reinstatement. If a student is not enrolled at CSUEB for more than 2 consecutive semesters (ex. Spring + Fall; must enroll by the following Spring or be discontinued) - Summer is not included - they will also be required to reapply to the university through Cal State Apply. Enrollment via Open University does not apply.
Petitions for Reinstatement are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and require meeting the criteria detailed above.
Repeating Classes/Grade Forgiveness
Students may repeat courses wherein grades of "C-" or below were received; this includes "IC" (Incomplete Charged) or "WU" (Withdrawal Unauthorized), which are calculated in the GPA equivalent to grade of "F." If a higher grade is earned, the earlier attempt(s) will be ignored in the GPA calculation but not removed from the record. NC grades do not affect the GPA and, therefore, do not necessarily need to be repeated.
Grade Forgiveness is "the process that a matriculated (regularly enrolled) student seeking a Bachelor’s degree follows, under limited circumstances, to remove the punitive effect of past academic failures." However, students who have been disqualified will need to file a Petition for Grade Forgiveness for any repeated courses while not enrolled at the University, even if courses are repeated via Open University.
Students - both matriculated and disqualified students - are limited to 16 units of Grade Forgiveness and may repeat an additional 12 units for Grade Averaging. Students who repeat the maximum units allowable but still need to repeat additional courses may be able to petition. See a readmission counselor if applicable.
Open University/Community College Enrollment
Depending on the type and availability of courses, disqualified students may repeat courses a variety of ways. Lower division courses (100- and 200-level classes) may be repeated through Open University at CSUEB, but it may be more cost-effective and convenient to take an equivalent course at a local community college. Upper division courses (300- and 400-level classes), however, must be repeated via Open University at CSUEB or at another college/university that offers upper division-level courses.
To enroll via Open University, visit their website and click on Enrollment to submit an online application. Pay close attention to the enrollment process guidelines and Important Dates, too. For enrollment at a local community college or another college/university, check their websites to find out how to apply.
If courses are taken outside of CSUEB, students can use the Transfer Equivalency System, or TES, to check for course equivalency. Students can also check with a readmission counselor or academic department to ensure accuracy of course selection. Once all courses are repeated with grades posted, request to have an official transcript sent to CSUEB.
Petition for Reinstatement
Disqualified students who have improved their GPA to at least 2.0 by repeating courses at another college/university or through Open University at CSUEB may be ready to submit a Petition for Reinstatement Form. The deadline to submit the completed petition packet is April 1st for Fall Semester; October 1st for Spring Semester; and March 1st for Summer Term.
The petition must be accompanied by:
- Personal Statement (describing reasons for requesting reinstatement)
- Completed Petition for Grade Forgiveness Form (may list up to 3 courses per form)
- Official Transcripts (from other college/university; not needed for Open University)
Students who have not been enrolled at CSUEB for more than two consecutive terms - Summer and Open University do not apply - must also reapply for admission to the University via Cal State Apply. Deadline to apply for Fall Semester is November 30th and for Spring Semester is August 31st.
For more detailed information, review Resources Available for Disqualified Students, below.