3:00-5:00 most Tuesdays during Spring Semester in Room SF 102. Talk with an advisor about study abroad/study away opportunities, work on your application and perhaps even meet some of our CSUEB Study Away Alumni.
12:15-2:15 most Thursdays during Spring Semester in Room SF 102. Talk with an advisor about study abroad/study away opportunities, work on your application and perhaps even meet some of our CSUEB Study Away Alumni.
During Spring Semester 2025, in-person advising will be available on the CSUEB Hayward Campus during Study Away 'Pop-up' Sessions (most Tuesdays and Thursdays). Please check the Events section above for the current schedule.
Virtual appointments with the CSUEB Study Away Advisor can be scheduled through BayAdvisor.
Are you applying for the Gilman Scholarship in Spring 2025? Sign up for these virtual sessions offered for all CSU students!
The programs that we work with also offer virtual advising and information sessions:
Curious about exchange opportunities in another U.S. state, territory, or Canada? Sign up for a National Student Exchange (NSE) Info Session to learn more.
CSU International Programs staff offer virtual advising: CSU IP Virtual Advising & Information Sessions
Staff with ISEP Study Abroad are also available for virtual appointments or advising through email. Keep an eye as well on their schedule of International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) Virtual Events