Posters and Presentations
Aphasia Treatment Program
- Cano-Fox, M., Bernstein-Ellis, E., Thies, C., Gravier, M. (2022, June) Esprit de corps: Exploring the long-term impact of participation in the Aphasia Tones choir., Poster presentation. International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, Philadelphia.
- Hoover, E., Bernstein-Ellis, E., Meyerson, D. Rebuilding Identity: A Book Group Experience. Poster presentation. International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, Philadelphia. 2022.
- Talmage, A., Bernstein-Ellis, E., & Jones, B. (2022). Aphasia Choirs Go Global: Individual and collaborative journeys towards an interprofessional online community of practice. New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy, 20.
- Birdee, R., Zheng, L., Godoy, M., Bernstein-Ellis, E. (2021, April 9). We won't back down: Keeping the Aphasia Tones singing during Covid [Poster presentation]. Aphasia Access Leadership Summit, Online.
- Jones, B., Bernstein-Ellis, E., Rose, M., Mahendra, N. (2013) Aphasia Choirs Go Global: An International Survey Comparing Stucture, Goals, and Outcome Measures. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- Patterson, J., Bernstein-Ellis, E., Norberg, L. (2012) Aphasia treatment: Speech-Language Therapy and Neurologic Music Therapy in harmony. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Bernstein-Ellis, E., Lussier, M., Oren, S., Driscoll, J., Scofield, A., Sugimoto, S., Scarboro, C., Tom, K. (2011). Aphasia Tones: Finding voice through song. Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Conference 2011, San Diego, California.