In the first, pilot, study we are examining whether the CHAT protocol can shift processing of primary language functions (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics) to the right hemisphere in non-injured adults. This research is conducted in partnership with Dr. Brian Gonsalves, Dept. of Psychology, Cal State East Bay.
For a poster on early results of pilot testing on individuals without aphasia, go HERE.
As of October 2022, 12 men and 19 women have completed the study. Here are their post-training minus pre-training topographical difference maps:
Women's Data:

Men's Data:

Current student research collaborators include: Jiana Brandt, Chelsea Miller, Favi Morfin-Chavez, Yesenia Mendez, Kylie Kelleher, Connie Roth, and Mikhail Crosby. Alumni who worked on this project include: Theresa Jingyun Yao, Sarah Millar, Kendall Finch, Jesse Leben-Wolf, Regina Monteiro, Madeleine Mountain, Amy Marshall, and Clara Baldwin.
The second study, currently in design, will implement the CHAT protocol in a single-subject A-B-A design to determine whether or not CHAT can elicit improved language functions in chronic severe aphasia by shifting primary language processing to the right hemisphere.
Current student research collaborators include: Jiana Brandt, Chelsea Miller, Favi Morfin-Chavez, Yesenia Mendez, Kylie Kelleher, Connie Roth, and Mikhail Crosby. Alumni who worked on this project include: Amy Marshall.
Downstream projects will seek to determine which would better facilitate language improvement for post stroke aphasia in general – targeting the hemisphere containing the lesion, or the contralateral (non-injured) hemisphere; this may depend on the size, location, and severity of the stroke.
This research is made possible by generous research grants for faculty (Faculty Support Grant) and students from the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects and the Center for Student Research, Cal State East Bay.