- Philosophy is a challenging major. If you take it seriously, when you get through you will have a disciplined mind with exceptional analytical skills, a clear writing style, the ability to think things through, and the confidence that comes of knowing you can do these things well.
- The Philosophy BA is well respected on the job market. A Philosophy BA together with a Business or Computer Science minor is a very good idea. A Philosophy BA together with experience and a professional Master's degree is dynamite!
- Philosophy can open you up to yourself, show you alternative ways of seeing the world, and help you develop a solid foundation for personal and intellectual development over the course of your whole life.
- Philosophy is something you can come to love. Philosophy majors often say they love philosophy. Students do not drop the Philosophy major.
"Studying philosophy is like waking from a dream; you finally learn the questions to answers you thought you knew. It's more than a discipline, it's a foundation for thought and learning. It prepared and inspired me to pursue other disciplines as well, such as languages and literatures. I am able to apply myself to many areas with the confidence that I am not just knowledgeable in the field but that I am trained in thinking."
Katy Masuga
PhD Program, Comparative Literature
University of Colorado
Philosophy BA, CSUEB, 1996
"The study of philosophy exposes you to a profound intellectual tradition, broadening your perspective on life, deepening your understanding of the questions that are important in life, and -- if you are fortunate -- helping to answer some of those questions. The broad liberal arts education that philosophical study provides, combined with practical training and experience puts one in a very good position with respect to future employment."
Brett Cornell
Manager, Computer Systems Support Department
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Philosophy BA, CSUEB, 1986
Is morality relative? Is thinking a process in the brain? Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God? What are rights? Are colors and sounds in the world or in the mind? Is there a right to universal health care? What is wrong with lying? Is Creation Science really science? What does "true" mean? Do the numbers seven and five have to equal twelve? Why? How do I know the thoughts and feelings of other people? If everything is made to happen by a cause, can human choices really be free? Is affirmative action fair? Are there historical inevitabilities? Which self is really me? If God knows everything and can do everything, how can very bad things happen to very good people? Does science have a scientific method? What is superstition? Why should I care whether something is unethical? Does everything have to have a cause? What makes me the same person from one year to the next? Am I my body? Is a human fetus morally equal to a grownup? What makes one painting better than another? Is there such a thing as human nature? Are "victimless crime" laws unjust? Can a human life be meaningful? Can I know in advance what would make my life a good one? Is time-travel possible? Do women and men have natural social roles? Is it legitimate for one culture to judge the practices of another? Is democracy a good thing? Why? Is there such a thing as objective reality? Are human disputes settled by reason or by power relations? Must biology ascribe purposes to nature? Are women oppressed? Could there be a universe with more spatial dimensions than ours? What is love? Should God be proveable? Why?
Qs: "In hiring decisions, how does your company regard the BA in philosophy?"
Ans: "Interested. Please apply. I like philosophy. We look at the individual"
Mark Drevno
Personel Manager
Datafocus Corporation
Qs: "In hiring decisions, how does your company regard the BA in philosophy together with a minor in a suitable professional field."
Ans: "Very well!."
Daniel Ottaway
District Manager
The Sherwin Williams Company
"For learning how to read and think critically and creatively, philosophy is the best major. With serious study, philosophy can get you in touch with what it means to be a human being. From a practical perspective, as in my case, the philosophy major is a great launching pad from which to pursue a professional education. Learning how to think Ôphilosophically' has served me well in my career."
Henry Sutanto
Public Policy and Management MS, Carnegie-Mellon, 1999
Systems Analyst/Auditor
United States General Accounting Office
Philosophy BA, CSUEB, 1997
"Philosophy helped me grasp how past generations and different cultures have understood their lives. It integrated the variety of subjects I was studying into an education. It improved my ability to form and state my views. The ability to think critically, to problem-solve, to have vision and to interpret complex situations is a definite edge in the global multicultural business."
Paul Rowley
General Manager
Global Inflight Products
Philosophy BA, CSUEB, 1995
"The team of professors in the philosophy department teaches you how to become a critical reader and an independent thinker. They help you develop strong oral and written skills while taking the time to listen to your ideals and concerns."
Edward Miranda
California Single Subject Teaching Credential
Teacher: Alvarado Middle School
Philosophy BA, CSUEB, 1995
"Philosophy was a great major. The ability it gave me to express my thoughts and remain open minded in my dealings with others has been a real help, in my work in the computer field, and in my personal life as well."
Bob McWilliams
CTE/Project Manager
Initio Corporation
Philosophy BA, CSUEB, 1992