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After an unprecedented runoff election, the Associated Students Inc student government for the next academic year has been finalized. Winners were announced Thursday June 10.
- Mohammed Shahid Beig, President
- Rafae Khan, Executive Vice President
- Joe Tafoya, Vice President of External Affairs
- Samantha Andres, Vice President of Internal Affairs
- Georgina Arnold, Vice President of Finance
Beig will serve another year as president, and Andres will also continue as VP of internal affairs. Khan, the new executive vice president, was previously the VP of finance and CFO. The rest of the board of directors are
- Brady Landry, Director, College of Business and Economics
- Danielle F. Lane, Director, College of Letter, Arts, and Social Sciences
- Nandini "Alice" Premmanisakul, Director, College of Science
- Sara Holdridge, Director, College of Education and Allied Studies
- Christopher Caldwell, Director, Concord Campus
- Heather Harbeck, Director, Environmental Affairs
- Samantha Caldron, Director, Legislative Affairs
- Kortnei Taylor-Glass, Director, Public Relations
- Marissa DeHerrera, Director, Recreation and Wellness
- Christopher Prado, Director, University Union
Holdridge and Caldwell were announced as winners of their seats last week, along with the three student members of the Academic Senate:
- Jennifer Stern
- Laura Banuelos
- Lokesh Vijakumar
Congratulations to the new student government, and good luck!