Cal State East Bay to Begin Spring Semester Virtually through January 31
- BY Cal State East Bay
- January 6, 2022
Cal State East Bay will temporarily begin the first two weeks of Spring 2022 semester with fully remote instruction. Classes and labs offered between January 18 through January 28 will be delivered via remote modalities. On Monday, January 31, classes and labs will return to the instructional modality as stated in the Spring 2022 schedule.
“We have made the decision to start the Spring semester virtually to greatly reduce population density on our campuses,” said Cal State East Bay President Cathy Sandeen. “Our students, staff and faculty have done a commendable job in preventing the spread of COVID-19 on our campuses through vaccination, regular testing and following public health guidance. To date, we have not had any community transmission and this latest decision will help us maintain a high level of safety.”
Remote operation will pertain to instructional activities only. The Hayward, Concord and Oakland campuses will remain fully open for services for the start of the Spring semester on January 18.
In Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, as well as other areas of the region and nation, the post-holiday rate of COVID-19 infections has risen, largely due to the Omicron variant.
Cal State East Bay continues to follow regional, state and federal public health guidance to protect our students, faculty and staff against the spread of COVID-19. With the rise in the omicron variant and return from winter break, please use the following guidelines and reminders to keep yourselves and others safe.
Masks/Face coverings
Per state and local public health order, masks or face coverings must be worn at all times in indoor public settings (except when alone in a closed private office).
The California Department of Public Health says that wearing a mask is essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will help prevent both you and others from getting COVID-19. This is more important than ever with new, more easily transmitted variants of COVID-19 on the rise.
To protect yourself and others, your face covering or mask should:
- Cover your nose, mouth and chin.
- Fit without gaps above the nose or on the sides. Gaps will significantly reduce the effectiveness of any mask.
- Mask criteria outlined by the CDPH. Masks with exhalation valves and cloth masks consisting of a single layer or non-tightly woven fabrics such as bandana should not be worn. Gaiters should be folded to make two layers.
Which Masks Provide the Best Protection Against COVID-19?
Most Effective | More Effective | Effective | Least Effective |
This Centers for Disease Prevention and Control guide helps you ensure that your mask prevents getting and spreading COVID-19.
Free testing for Cal State East Bay students, faculty and staff is available on a drop-in basis at the Hayward and Concord campuses. Registration is required. Hours will change with demand and testing availability, with updates posted on the Today Toward Together testing page.
Hours and locations for Jan. 3-17, 2022 are:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (Hayward campus): 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
When should you test?
The California Department of Public Health recommends diagnostic testing for anyone with symptoms of or exposure to COVID-19.
Students, faculty and staff who have an approved exemption for medical or religious reasons are required to test weekly. It is preferred that you test for COVID-19 on campus to facilitate reporting and tracking, but you may test at a location convenient to you.
Students: If you are tested off campus, please use the Student Health and Counseling Services online submission form for processing. Your document must include results from a PCR test, your full name, date of birth, collection site, date of sample taken, date of test read, and test results. If you receive a positive COVID-19 result, DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS and contact Student Health and Counseling Services at (510) 885-3735 during business hours. Refer to the Student Health and Counseling Services website for more information. Antigen and rapid home tests are not accepted.
Vaccinations and Boosters
The California State University system requires faculty, staff and students who are accessing campus facilities at any university location to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
- Cal State East Bay will require students, MPP and Confidential employees who are eligible to receive a vaccination booster to do so by February 28, 2022.
- Those who are not eligible to receive boosters by February 28 will have six months after receiving their final initial vaccination dose to receive a booster.
- Represented employees will not be subject to the booster requirement until the CSU concludes its meet-and-confer process with labor unions.
At this time, there is high demand for vaccination appointments in California. Cal State East Bay is working with regional healthcare partners to set up on-campus vaccine clinics and the information will be shared when they are scheduled.
Individuals seeking a vaccine can also use these resources:
- Check directly with your healthcare provider.
- You can find a walk-in clinic or make an appointment using the website MyTurn.
- Many local pharmacies, including CVS and Walgreens, offer the vaccine.
- County public health pages in Alameda County and Contra Costa County also have information on how to schedule appointments.
The State of California’s COVID-19 website explains the vaccine’s benefits. Vaccines are available to everyone age 5 and up—regardless of immigration or insurance status.