The Goals of General Education
Every undergraduate student at Cal State East Bay follows a degree program composed primarily of major courses and GE courses. Successful completion of these courses assures that graduates make measurable progress toward becoming truly educated persons who can contribute to a diverse society. The GE Program and Breadth Requirements are designed and organized to help students attain the program's objectives, which are aligned to the campus' Institutional Learning Outcomes and to the Essential Learning Outcomes of the Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP) initiative, all of which express the knowledge, skills, and values Cal State East Bay graduates are expected to achieve. The overarching goals of GE are to provide all students with:
- knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world through study in the sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and arts;
- intellectual and practical skills, including inquiry and analysis, critical and creative thinking, written and oral communication, quantitative literacy, information literacy, teamwork, and problem solving;
- personal and social responsibility, including civic knowledge and engagement at local and global levels, intercultural knowledge and competence, ethical reasoning and action, and foundations and skills for lifelong learning.
There are 14 areas that make up the "breadth" of GE. Each area has its own set student learning outcomes and characteristics. Students completing courses to fulfill each area of GE are expected to have met these learning outcomes. At Cal State East Bay, programmatic assessment of GE learning outcomes is performed in ongoing cycles, and its primary purpose is to enhance student learning and improve the learning experiences in the GE program.
For information on how GE is assessed at CSUEB, click here.