Pioneer Scholarships

Pioneer Scholarships Application Portal is Now Live!

Visit this link to apply for available scholarships. Complete applications to be considered for hundreds of institutional scholarships and many private scholarships that are tailored specifically to your eligibility! 

Visit this link to checkout our growing list of scholarships! The portal contains many external scholarship opportunities offered by companies and organizations outside CSUEB. Don't wait!

Did You Know...

  • Admitted students and current students are eligible to complete the Pioneer Scholarship Application.
  • Students can search for scholarship opportunities by major, academic program, interests, and more! 
  • You can monitor the submission of letters of recommendation and send electronic reminders to your references. 
  • Students can view scholarship offers and accept scholarship awards online. 
  • Students are able to submit Thank You letters online and learn more about our scholarship donors.


Scholarship Timeline:

The majority of Pioneer Scholarships have a deadline of late February. See what you can do in the beginning of the academic year to prepare to apply.

November 2 - The Pioneer Scholarship application will open.

March 2 - The general application will close for review.

March - Scholarship Review Process begins.

Campus Guidance

CSUEB Fund Reporting Policy

Federal Regulations do not allow California State University, East Bay to provide East Bay students with funding in excess of their Cost of Attendance or 'Need' as calculated by the FAFSA/ CADAA Application. ( Need = COA - EFC). 

Issuance of funds or cash equivalent prizes/awards/gifts are considered Estimated Financial Assistance and must be reported to the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships.

Clause (1)(iii) of 34 CFR 685.102(b), (Code of Federal Regulations) specifically, states  (1) The estimated amount of assistance for a period of enrollment that a student (or a parent on behalf of a student) will receive from Federal, State, institutional, or other sources, such as scholarships, grants, net earnings from need-based employment, or loans, including but not limited to- ... (iii) Any educational benefits paid because of enrollment in a postsecondary education institution, or to cover postsecondary education expenses;..." [685.102(b)] See also 673.5(c).


Campus Procedure

  1. Click here to review whether you will need to report the scholarship/stipend/award/prize to the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships.
  2. Click here to submit the Student Fund Reporting Form.
  3. To ensure federal compliance and that the least amount of students is negatively impacted by possible adjustments resulting from late fund reporting, All SFR forms must be submitted by the established deadline. Should departments submit the SFR later than the deadline, the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships reserves the right to request that the department consider funding the student during the subsequent academic term.


Deadline to submit Student Fund Reporting Form for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:


  • Fall 2024 - November 1
  • Spring 2025 - March 28
  • Summer 2025 - June 27


Questions? -  Contact Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at