Sherman Lewis Faculty Profile

Sherman Lewis
Professor Emeritus
Department of Political Science
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- Vitae: View my CV
Sherman Lewis holds a B.A., magna cum laude from Harvard College, 1962, and a Ph.D.
from Columbia University, 1969. He is the author of multiple books, articles and reports, listed below and under the Publications tab.
Reform and the Citizen: The Major Policy Issues of Contemporary America
Urban Government for Metropolitan Lima
Ridgelands! The Closing of a Frontier: The History of Open Space from the HaywardShorelands to Pleasanton Ridge 1960-2020
The Rise and Fall of Hayward’s Route 238 Bypass
Revolutionary Essays on Life, Earth, and Politics, Ideas for the Next 400 Years
Articles and Reports:
Sherman L. Lewis III, 1998. "Land use and transportation: Envisioning regional sustainability," Transport Policy, Elsevier, vol.5(3), pages 147-161, June.
Sherman Lewis and Kris Adhikari. 2016. “Walkable Neighborhood Systems.” Growth and
Change. DOI: 10.1111/grow.12185.
Sherman Lewis. 2017. “Neighborhood density and travel mode: new survey findings for
high densities.” International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.
Sherman Lewis and Emilio Grande. 2019. San Francisco’s Neighborhoods and Auto
Dependency. Cities 86(2019) 11-24.
Sherman Lewis, Emilio Grande, and Ralph Robinson. November 2020. “The
Mismeasurement of Mobility for Walkable Neighborhoods.” Report 2060. Mineta
Transportation Institute, San Jose State University.
Sherman Lewis and Emilio Grande. 2023 “Boston's Walkable Neighborhood Systems:
Definition and Performance.” GeoJournal.