S. Ferrarello, The Ethics of Love, Routledge, 2022
S. Ferrarello, The Role of Bioethics in Emotional Problems, Routledge, 2021
S. Ferrarello, Human Emotions and the Origin of Bioethics, Routledge, 2020
S. Ferrarello, Sex, Love and Intimacy, Routledge, 2018
S. Ferrarello, The Ethics of Lived Experience, Bloosmsbury, 2017
S. Ferrarello, Husserl’s Ethics and Practical Intentionality, Bloosmbury, 2015
S. Ferrarello, Values and Identity, Cambridge Scholar Publisher, 2014
S. Ferrarello, Intersubjectivity and Values, Cambridge Scholar Publisher, 2014
S. Ferrarello, Difesa Cattolica dell’Aborto, Aracne Editore, 2013
S. Ferrarello, Il Progetto Etico e l’Idea di Scienza, Libreria Universitaria, 2010
Edited Books
Ferrarello, Susi, Hadjioannou Christos, Routedge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness, Routledge, 2024
Ferrarello, Susi Boublil, E. The Vulnerability of the Human World, Holland: Springer, 2023
Ferrarello. Susi: Phenomenology of Bioethics. Technoethics and Lived-Experience.Switzerland: Springer, 2021
Ferrarello, Susi, Englander Magnus: Empathy and Ethics, New York/London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023
Ferrarello, Susi. Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity and Values in Edmund Husserl. New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013 (ISBN: 978-1443854481)
Ferrarello, Susi; Giacchetti, Stefano. Identity and Values. New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015 (ISBN: 978-1443878005
D. A. Dombrowski, R. Deltete, A Brief Liberal Catholic Defense of Abortion, Illinois Press, 2000; tr. it. Una difesa cattolica dell’aborto, Aracne Editore, Rome, 2013.
H. Conrad-Martius, “Verleihung des großen Verdienstkreuzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Dankesrede bei der Feier zur am 01. März 1958” , in Studia Phenomenologica, Vol. XV, 2015
Guest Editor of Special Issues
Ferrarello, Susi; Apostolescu, Iulian. Phenomenology of Religious Experience according to Steinbock. Phaenex, 13, 1, 2019.
Ferrarello, Susi; Apostolescu, Iulian. The Structure of Religious Phenomena, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 33,1, 2019.
Ferrarello, Susi Phenomenology of Bioethics, Journal of Philosophy and Medicine, 3, 2023
Ferrarello, Susi Phenomenology of Mindfulness, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2023
Ferrarello, Susi; Englander, Magnus, Brencio, Francesca, Bizzari, Valeria “Phenomenological Psychopathology: Who, When, How” Frontiers in Psychology, 2023
Articles, Book Chapters
Ferrarello, Susi “The Epistemic Pill”, IJFAB, March, 15, 21
Ferrarello, Susi “Emotional problems arising during the first trimester of pregnancy. A phenomenological approach to the problem through mindfulness” Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 2022
Ferrarello, Susi “Bioethics, Phenomenology and Peace Strategies” in Santasilia, Estudios Paz. Perspectivas y Propuestas. forthcoming
Ferrarello, Susi. “Commentario al Mito della Biga Alata di Platone”, in Brencio, F. Psyche. Castelvecchio, 2022
Ferrarello Susi, “Commentario a Freud” in Bizzari,Il Desiderio, Castelvecchio, 2023
Ferrarello Susi, “Husserl and Stoicism: The Theory of Meaning as a Bridge to Mindfulness,” Journal of Humanistic Psychology, forthcoming
Ferrarello, Susi. “The Theory of Lekton and the Theory of Noema. Husserl and Stoics on Mindfulness”, The Handbook of Phenomenology and Mindfulness, Routledge, forthcoming
Ferrarello, Susi. “The Intimacy of the Virtual Distance” in Routledge International Handbook for Psychoanalysis, Subjectivity, and Technology, 2023
Ferrarello, Susi. “The Opacity of the Body and the Principle of Responsibility in Decision Making Technology” Springer, Springer forthcoming
Ferrarello, Susi, “Interaffectivity disturbances as a transdiagnostic personality disorder feature: The case of narcissistic personality disorder,” Conceptual Issues in Personality Disorder: Philosophical and Psychiatric Perspectives, Cambridge University Publisher, forthcoming
Ferrarello, Susi, Brencio, F. “Husserl, Heidegger, Jaspers” in APA Handbook of Humanistic and Existential Psychology. (L. Hoffman ed.), 2024
Ferrarello, Susi “Happiness and Phenomenology” ed. Brencio, F. Springer, forthcoming
Ferrarello, Susi, Landau, A. Topaz, M. “Developing algorithms to help identify child abuse and neglect: key ethical challenges and recommended solution” Jamia, 2022
Ferrarello, Susi, Ulysses' Syndrome. The Problem of Collective Intentionality for Newcomers, In Circolo, 11, 2021
Ferrarello, Susi, “The Flesh of Algorithms and Human Vulnerability” in The Vulnerability of the Human World, Springer (forthcoming)
Ferrarello, Susi: “Solastalgia: Climatic Anxiety. Emotional Geography to Find Our Way Out” The Journal of Philosophy and Medicine, (forthcoming)
Ferrarello, Susi: “The Meaning-Making Experience in the Emotional Experience of Borderline Personality Disorder, Psychopathology, 2021, 54, 221-231
Ferrarello, Susi: “Technologies of Love” invited chapter for Cibotaru, V. Apostolescu, I. (eds) Phenomenologies of Love, in progress
Ferrarello, Susi “The Normative Space of Resilience”, Jahr, 12/2, 24, 21
Ferrarello, Susi, “Riflessioni sulla Pandemia” I Quaderni della Ginestra, 2021
Ferrarello, Susi, Agostinelli, Michael Social Mediome and Digital Health, Phenomenology of Bioethics. Technoethics and Lived-Experience. Holland: Springer, 2021
Ferrarello, Susi; Apostolescu, I. Introduction, in”Verticality, Emotions, and Religious Experience: Essays on Anthony J. Steinbock”, Phaenex, 2020
Ferrarello, Susi The Cost of Narcissism on Intimacy in “Eros and Psyche: Humanistic and Existential Approach to Sex and Sexuality”, Racho, M. Robbins, B. McInerney B. eds., University Professors Press, forthcoming
Ferrarello, Susi Emotional Reality. In eds. Apostolescu, I. De Gruyther, 2020
Ferrarello, Susi. The Ethics of the Transcendental. In eds. Apostolescu, Iulian; Serban, Claudia. Kant and Transcendental Phenomenology, De Gruyther, 2019
- “Existential Sexuality and Intimacy” in Journal of Constructivist Psychology, forthcoming
- “What Husserl’s ethics can do for Psychology and Psychiatry”, in
Social Psychiatry: Phenomenological Foundations, Gleeperus, Forthcoming
- “Husserl and Peirce on Awakening”, Springer, Forthcoming
- “Introduction to Hedwig Conrad-Martius. Being and Having Existence”, in Studia Phenomenologica, vol. XV, 2016
- “Einführung in die Phänomenologie” (co-author), in SyStemischer, forthcoming
- “Living Evidence” in Analecta Husserliana, Springer, 2015
- “Sufism, Neo-platonism and Identity”, in Values and Identity, Cambridge Scholar Publisher, 2015
- Review of Steven Crowell, “Normativity and Phenomenology in Husserl and Heidegger”, for Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 2014.
- “The Place of Axiology”, Phenomenology and Mind, 5, 2014.
- “Phenomenology of Values”, Phenomenology and Mind, 4, 2013.
- “Husserl’s Theory of Intersubjectivity”, Axiology Journal, XII, 2012.
- “La cura e l’Altro”, Quaderni di Sabbia, 10, 2012
- “Active and Passive Analysis of a Value”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, 2013.
- “The Idea of Well-Being in Husserl and Aristotle”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, 2012.
- “Thinking, Acting and Being”, Revístafilosofía Uis, 36, 2, 2011.
- “Practical Intentionality: a Balance between Practical and Theoretical Acts”, Humana.Mente, 15, 2010.
- “The Axiology of Ontopoiesis and its Rationality”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, Volume 110, 2011.
- “El don de la intuiciòn en la interpretaciòn Heideggeriana de Kant”, Heidegger Society Yearbook, 1, 2010.
- “Intuition and Perception in the Sixth Logical Investigation of Edmund Husserl”, Revísta filosofía UIS, 35, 3, 2010.
- “On the Rationality of Will in James and Husserl”, European Journal of Pragmatismand American Philosophy, 2, 2009.
- “The Life of Will”, Revísta filosofía UIS, 34, 2, 2009.
- “Transcendental and Spiritual Consciousness in Husserl”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, 2009.
- “Psicologia Fenomenologica”, ASP, 2010.
- “Ethical Project and Intentionality in Husserl”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, 2009.
- “L’idea di corporeità in Edmund Husserl”, in Logiche della corporeità, R. Bruno eds., Milano: Franco Angeli, 2008.
- “L’idée de science éthique husserlienne et ses implicationes dans le cadre de la phénoménologie”, Etudes Phénoménologiques, 2007-8, pp. 37-65.
- “Review of F. S. Trincia and S. Bancalari eds., “Perspectives sur le sujet – Pro-spettive filosofiche sul soggetto”, Teorie & Modelli, XIII, (2007): 85-92.
- “Review of Edmund Husserl, Einleitung in die Ethik,” Biblioteca Husserliana, 2006.