Susi Ferrarello Faculty Profile

Susi  Ferrarello

Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Susi Ferrarello has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Sorbonne in Paris, an M.A. in Human Rights and Political Science from the University of Bologna, and a Bachelor in Philosophy from La Sapienza University in Rome. She has held professorships at Luzern University, Loyola University (Chicago), Sapienza University and the Florence University of the Arts. Currently, she teaches at both the California State University (East Bay) and Saybrook University. She writes for Psychology Today and works as a philosophical counselor.

Dr. Ferrarello, an expert in ancient and contemporary philosophy, has extensive publishing credits. She has authored several books: Il progetto etico e l’idea di scienza in Husserl (Padova, 2010, Libreria Universitaria), Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity and Values in Edmund Husserl (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014), and Practical Intentionality (Bloomsbury, forthcoming). Her articles include “Values, Normativity and Facts”, “Husserl’s Phenomenology of Validity”, “Practical Intentionality: A balance between Practical and Theoretical Acts”, and “Transcendental and Spiritual Consciousness in Husserl”. She presented talks in Europe, Asia, and America.

Dr. Ferrarello has taught courses in ethics, language, philosophy, and history. Her pedagogical résumé includes Latin, Ancient Greek, Phenomenology, Moral Philosophy, Logic, Bioethics, Philosophy of Rights, Philosophy and Science, and History of Christianity. 


S. Ferrarello, The Ethics of Love, Routledge, 2022 forthcoming

S. Ferrarello, The Role of Bioethics in Emotional Problems, Routledge, 2021

S. Ferrarello, Human Emotions and the Origin of Bioethics, Routledge, 2020

S. Ferrarello, Sex, Love and Intimacy, Routledge, 2018

S. Ferrarello, The Ethics of Lived Experience, Bloosmsbury, 2017

S. Ferrarello, Husserl’s Ethics and Practical Intentionality, Bloosmbury, 2015

S. Ferrarello, Values and Identity, Cambridge Scholar Publisher, 2014

S. Ferrarello, Intersubjectivity and Values, Cambridge Scholar Publisher, 2014

S. Ferrarello, Difesa Cattolica dell’Aborto, Aracne Editore, 2013

S. Ferrarello, Il Progetto Etico e l’Idea di Scienza, Libreria Universitaria, 2010

Edited Books

Ferrarello, Susi, Hadjioannou Christos, Routedge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness, Routledge, 2024

Ferrarello, Susi Boublil, E. The Vulnerability of the Human World, Holland: Springer, 2023

Ferrarello. Susi: Phenomenology of Bioethics. Technoethics and Lived-Experience.Switzerland: Springer, 2021

Ferrarello, Susi, Englander Magnus: Empathy and Ethics, New York/London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023

Ferrarello, Susi. Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity and Values in Edmund Husserl. New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013 (ISBN: 978-1443854481)

Ferrarello, Susi; Giacchetti, Stefano. Identity and Values. New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015 (ISBN: 978-1443878005)


Teaching Experience

  • California State University EastBay, Undergraduate Students (2015 to present)
  • California Institute for Integral Studies, Graduate Students (2016 to 2018)
  • Luzern University (2019-2020)
  • USF (San Francisco), Undergraduate Students (2015 to 2016)
  • Loyola University (Chicago), Undergraduate Students (2010-14)
  • Saybrook (Oakland), Graduate Students (2013 to present)
  • La Sapienza (Rome), Graduate Students (2007-2010)
  • Florence University (Florence), Undergraduate Students (2010-2011) 

Media contacts

Susi Ferrarello on

Psychology Today





Moral Psychology

Ancient and Contemporary Philosophy

Feminist Philosophy


Medical Humanities

  • PhD, Sorbonne
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
PHIL 10003Workshop in Critical ThinkingTU11:00AM12:15PMAE-0277Hayward Campus
PHIL 10009Workshop in Critical ThinkingARRWEB-ASYNCHOnline Campus
PHIL 30001Philosophy SeminarARRWEB-ASYNCHOnline Campus
PHIL 31001EthicsARRWEB-ASYNCHOnline Campus


S. Ferrarello, The Ethics of Love, Routledge, 2022

S. Ferrarello, The Role of Bioethics in Emotional Problems, Routledge, 2021

S. Ferrarello, Human Emotions and the Origin of Bioethics, Routledge, 2020

S. Ferrarello, Sex, Love and Intimacy, Routledge, 2018

S. Ferrarello, The Ethics of Lived Experience, Bloosmsbury, 2017

S. Ferrarello, Husserl’s Ethics and Practical Intentionality, Bloosmbury, 2015

S. Ferrarello, Values and Identity, Cambridge Scholar Publisher, 2014

S. Ferrarello, Intersubjectivity and Values, Cambridge Scholar Publisher, 2014

S. Ferrarello, Difesa Cattolica dell’Aborto, Aracne Editore, 2013

S. Ferrarello, Il Progetto Etico e l’Idea di Scienza, Libreria Universitaria, 2010

Edited Books

Ferrarello, Susi, Hadjioannou Christos, Routedge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness, Routledge, 2024

Ferrarello, Susi Boublil, E. The Vulnerability of the Human World, Holland: Springer, 2023

Ferrarello. Susi: Phenomenology of Bioethics. Technoethics and Lived-Experience.Switzerland: Springer, 2021

Ferrarello, Susi, Englander Magnus: Empathy and Ethics, New York/London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023

Ferrarello, Susi. Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity and Values in Edmund Husserl. New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013 (ISBN: 978-1443854481)

Ferrarello, Susi; Giacchetti, Stefano. Identity and Values. New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015 (ISBN: 978-1443878005


 D. A. Dombrowski, R. Deltete, A Brief Liberal Catholic Defense of Abortion, Illinois Press, 2000; tr. it. Una difesa cattolica dellaborto, Aracne Editore, Rome, 2013.

 H. Conrad-Martius, “Verleihung des großen Verdienstkreuzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Dankesrede bei der Feier zur am 01. März 1958” , in Studia Phenomenologica, Vol. XV, 2015

Guest Editor of Special Issues

Ferrarello, Susi; Apostolescu, Iulian. Phenomenology of Religious Experience according to Steinbock. Phaenex, 13, 1, 2019.

Ferrarello, Susi; Apostolescu, Iulian. The Structure of Religious Phenomena, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 33,1, 2019.

Ferrarello, Susi Phenomenology of Bioethics, Journal of Philosophy and Medicine, 3, 2023 

Ferrarello, Susi  Phenomenology of Mindfulness, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2023

Ferrarello, Susi; Englander, Magnus, Brencio, Francesca, Bizzari, Valeria “Phenomenological Psychopathology: Who, When, How” Frontiers in Psychology, 2023

Articles, Book Chapters 

Ferrarello, Susi “The Epistemic Pill”, IJFAB, March, 15, 21

Ferrarello, Susi “Emotional problems arising during the first trimester of pregnancy. A phenomenological approach to the problem through mindfulness” Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 2022

Ferrarello, Susi “Bioethics, Phenomenology and Peace Strategies” in Santasilia, Estudios Paz. Perspectivas y Propuestas. forthcoming

Ferrarello, Susi.  “Commentario al Mito della Biga Alata di Platone”, in Brencio, F. Psyche. Castelvecchio, 2022

Ferrarello Susi, “Commentario a Freud” in Bizzari,Il Desiderio, Castelvecchio, 2023

Ferrarello Susi, “Husserl and Stoicism: The Theory of Meaning as a Bridge to Mindfulness,” Journal of Humanistic Psychology, forthcoming 

Ferrarello, Susi. “The Theory of Lekton and the Theory of Noema. Husserl and Stoics on Mindfulness”, The Handbook of Phenomenology and Mindfulness, Routledge, forthcoming

Ferrarello, Susi. “The Intimacy of the Virtual Distance” in Routledge International Handbook for Psychoanalysis, Subjectivity, and Technology, 2023

Ferrarello, Susi. “The Opacity of the Body and the Principle of Responsibility in Decision Making Technology” Springer, Springer forthcoming

Ferrarello, Susi, “Interaffectivity disturbances as a transdiagnostic personality disorder feature: The case of narcissistic personality disorder, Conceptual Issues in Personality Disorder: Philosophical and Psychiatric Perspectives, Cambridge University Publisher, forthcoming

Ferrarello, Susi, Brencio, F. “Husserl, Heidegger, Jaspers” in APA Handbook of Humanistic and Existential Psychology. (L. Hoffman ed.), 2024

Ferrarello, Susi “Happiness and Phenomenology” ed. Brencio, F. Springer, forthcoming

Ferrarello, Susi, Landau, A. Topaz, M. “Developing algorithms to help identify child abuse and neglect: key ethical challenges and recommended solution” Jamia, 2022

Ferrarello, Susi, Ulysses' Syndrome. The Problem of Collective Intentionality for Newcomers, In Circolo, 11, 2021 

Ferrarello, Susi, “The Flesh of Algorithms and Human Vulnerability” in The Vulnerability of the Human World, Springer (forthcoming)

Ferrarello, Susi: “Solastalgia: Climatic Anxiety. Emotional Geography to Find Our Way Out” The Journal of Philosophy and Medicine, (forthcoming)

Ferrarello, Susi: “The Meaning-Making Experience in the Emotional Experience of Borderline Personality Disorder, Psychopathology, 2021, 54, 221-231

Ferrarello, Susi: “Technologies of Love” invited chapter for Cibotaru, V. Apostolescu, I. (eds) Phenomenologies of Love,  in progress

Ferrarello, Susi “The Normative Space of Resilience”, Jahr, 12/2, 24, 21

Ferrarello, Susi, “Riflessioni sulla Pandemia” I Quaderni della Ginestra, 2021

Ferrarello, Susi, Agostinelli, Michael Social Mediome and Digital Health, Phenomenology of Bioethics. Technoethics and Lived-Experience. Holland: Springer, 2021

Ferrarello, Susi; Apostolescu, I. Introduction, in”Verticality, Emotions, and Religious Experience: Essays on Anthony J. Steinbock”, Phaenex, 2020

Ferrarello, Susi The Cost of Narcissism on Intimacy in “Eros and Psyche: Humanistic and Existential Approach to Sex and Sexuality”, Racho, M. Robbins, B. McInerney B. eds., University Professors Press, forthcoming

Ferrarello, Susi Emotional Reality.  In eds. Apostolescu, I. De Gruyther, 2020 

Ferrarello, Susi. The Ethics of the Transcendental. In eds. Apostolescu, Iulian; Serban, Claudia. Kant and Transcendental Phenomenology, De Gruyther, 2019

-      “Existential Sexuality and Intimacy” in Journal of Constructivist Psychology, forthcoming

-      “What Husserl’s ethics can do for Psychology and Psychiatry”, in
Social Psychiatry: Phenomenological Foundations,  Gleeperus, Forthcoming

-      “Husserl and Peirce on Awakening”, Springer, Forthcoming

-      “Introduction to Hedwig Conrad-Martius. Being and Having Existence”, in Studia Phenomenologica, vol. XV, 2016

-      “Einführung in die Phänomenologie” (co-author), in SyStemischer, forthcoming

-      “Living Evidence” in Analecta Husserliana, Springer, 2015

-      “Sufism, Neo-platonism and Identity”, in Values and Identity, Cambridge Scholar Publisher, 2015

-      Review of Steven Crowell, “Normativity and Phenomenology in Husserl and Heidegger”, for Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 2014.

-      “The Place of Axiology”, Phenomenology and Mind, 5, 2014.

-      “Phenomenology of Values”, Phenomenology and Mind, 4, 2013.

-      “Husserl’s Theory of Intersubjectivity”, Axiology Journal, XII, 2012.

-      “La cura e l’Altro”, Quaderni di Sabbia, 10, 2012

-      “Active and Passive Analysis of a Value”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, 2013.

-      “The Idea of Well-Being in Husserl and Aristotle”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, 2012.

-      “Thinking, Acting and Being”, Revístafilosofía Uis, 36, 2, 2011.

-      “Practical Intentionality: a Balance between Practical and Theoretical Acts”, Humana.Mente, 15, 2010.

-      “The Axiology of Ontopoiesis and its Rationality”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, Volume 110, 2011.

-      “El don de la intuiciòn en la interpretaciòn Heideggeriana de Kant”, Heidegger Society Yearbook, 1, 2010.

-      “Intuition and Perception in the Sixth Logical Investigation of Edmund Husserl”, Revísta filosofía UIS, 35, 3, 2010.

-      “On the Rationality of Will in James and Husserl, European Journal of Pragmatismand American Philosophy, 2, 2009.

-       “The Life of Will”, Revísta filosofía UIS, 34, 2, 2009.

 -       “Transcendental and Spiritual Consciousness in Husserl”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, 2009.

 -       “Psicologia Fenomenologica”, ASP, 2010.

-      “Ethical Project and Intentionality in Husserl”, Analecta Husserliana, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer, 2009.

-       “L’idea di corporeità in Edmund Husserl”, in Logiche della corporeità, R. Bruno eds., Milano: Franco Angeli, 2008.


-       “L’idée de science éthique husserlienne et ses implicationes dans le cadre de la phénoménologie”, Etudes Phénoménologiques, 2007-8, pp. 37-65.


-       “Review of F. S. Trincia and S. Bancalari eds., “Perspectives sur le sujet – Pro-spettive filosofiche sul soggetto”, Teorie & Modelli, XIII, (2007): 85-92.


-       “Review of Edmund Husserl, Einleitung in die Ethik,Biblioteca Husserliana, 2006.


The Ethics of Love, University of Verona, May 2024

Invited Lectures on Philosophical Counseling and Applied Phenomenology, Phenolab, September 2023-June 2024

Summer School in Applied Phenomenology, Phenolab, June 2024

Phenomenology of Motherhood, University of California, Merced 2024

Empathy and Professionalism, University of Rostock, January 2024

Phenomenology of Affectivity, University of Copenhagen, May 2023 (keynote speaker)

Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, Rome, Torvergata, August 2023

The Ethics of Love, Empathy and Professionalism . Chile, September 2023 (keynote speaker)

Loving. What it means to be Human. Globalethics, Geneve, November 2022

The Ethics of Love, Universita di Palermo, spring 2023

Phenomenology and Philosophical Counseling, PhenoLab, spring 2023

Bioethics, Phenomenology and Peace Strategies, Universidad Autonoma San Luis Potosi, May, 2023

The Theory of Lekton and the theory of noema: Mindfulness in Stoics and Husserl, Cyprus, June 2022

The Intimacy of Distance, Society for Phenomenology and Media, Shanghai, March 2022

Respondent to Marjolein Oele’s book for APA Philosophy of Emotions, Vancouver, April, 2022

Lectures on Husserl’s essential readings, PhenoLab, October, November, December, 2021

Emotions and Cognition, Rio de Janeiro University, November 2021

 Resilience, good and bad sides, Emory University, October, 2021

Phenomenology of bioethics, technology and emotions, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, September 2021

Bioethics and Emotions, Springer Videos, to be defined

Phenomenological Ethics and Psychiatry, Malmo University, May 2021

Philosophical counseling and Phenomenology, Center of Excellence for Integrative Bioethics, Zagreb, May 2021

Meaning-Making Experience in BPD, Oxford University, May 2021

Meaning-Making Experience in emotional life of BPD, Stanford University, May 2021

Phenomenology and Ethical Technologies, PhenoLab, Freiburg, March 2021

Ethics and Technoethics, Malmo University, Sweden, January, 2021

Philosophical Counseling, UCR (CA), 2020

Neuroethics and Phenomenology, Novosibirsk State University, (Russia) 2020

Human Rights Media, (Usa) 2020 

Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Rome, (Italy) 2019

Husserl Circle Meeting, Mexico City (Mexico), June 2018.

The Phenomenological Method, Dublin, April, 2017 (TBD)

Teaching Humanities, San Jose University, April, 2016 (Keynote Speaker)

Phenomenological Psychology, University of Leuven, June, 2016

 Intersubjective Intention, Yokohama, July, 2016

 Embodied Intention, Tokyo University, July, 2016

 Ancient Ontologies, Oxford University, September, 2014

 Hermeneutics and Phenomenology, San Francisco, Saybrook University, August, 2013

 Who’s afraid of values?, University of Calabria, June, 2013

 Keynote Speaker: ‘Phenomenological Psychology’, San Francisco, Saybrook University, 2013

 "Phenomenology and ancient philosophy”, University of Rethymnon, Crete, June, 2010

 “Bioethics and Culture”, La Sapienza University, Rome, May, 2009.

 “Il valore della vita nella scienza. Libertà e Ricerca”,La Sapienza University, Rome, April, 2008.

 “L’idée de science éthique et ses implications dans le cadre de la science phénoménologique”, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, June, 2007.

 “Husserl et l’éthique”, Lille 3 University, Lille, November, 2006.

 “La fondazione della scienza etica husserliana e la teoria matematica”, University of Cassino, Cassino, October, 2006.



 “Ulysses’ Syndrome. The Problem of Collective Intentionality in Immigration” (Neuchatel University), July 2020

“Climatic Anxiety”, St. Catherine's College (Oxford), June 2020 

"Phenomenology of Algorithms and Emotions in Cases of Early Re-hospitalization", St Mary’s University (London), April 2020

“Solastalgia” Groningen University (Holland), March 2020

“Phenomenology of Jealousy” Saint Louis (USA), July, 2017.

“Phenomenology of the Self” Tokyo University, July, 2016

 “Dynamic and Static Self”, Yokohama University, July 2016

 “Practical Intentionality”, Saint John’s University, New York, May, 2016

 “Living Evidence”, Harvard University Science Center, June 2015

 “Religious Phenomenon”, University of San Francisco, March, 2015

 “Transcendental and Virtuality”, Saint Antoine College, Oxford, September, 2013

 “The Idea of Validity”, Aalborg University, August, 2013

 “Values and Description”, Ramapo University, May, 2013

 “The Forces of the Cosmos and Genetic Ontopoietic Life” Paris, August, 2012.

 “Intertwining Body-Self-World”, Oxford, July, 2011.

 “Phenomenology and the Human Positioning in the Kosmos”, Istanbul, June, 2011.

 Annual Husserl Circle Meeting, Gonzaga University of Florence, April, 2011.

 “Giving Voice to Experience”, University of Seattle. August, 2010.

 “Ontopoiesis, Logos, Life and Antiquity”, University of Bergen, August, 2010.

 “Transcendentalism Revisited”, World Phenomenology Institute, Antwerp, June, 2009.

 The Ethical Project and Intentionality in Husserl”,University of Krakow, July, 2008.

 “Ragione assiologica e ragione logica nel progetto etico di Edmund Husserl”, Alma Mater University, Bologna, October, 2007.

 “L’interpretazione dei Lineamenti di etica formale di Edmund Husserl”, University of Cassino, Cassino, September, 2006.

Faculty Support Grant for three years to develop philosophy podcasts Philosophy Gets Personal (


Anxiety and Burnout for People Working inTech”, Zurich, 2021 (workshop)

“Qualitative Research in Psychology”, San Diego, January, 2020

“Phenomenology of Bioethics” (USA), February 2018

“Queer Studies and Masculinity”, San Francisco (USA), March 2018.




  • Webinars on Bioethics, Cal State University (East-Bay), 2018- to present:
  • Michael Hauskeller (Lancaster University) 
  • Tony Stigliano (Saybrook University) 
  • Enrico Frumento (University of Milano) 
  • Thomas Fuchs (University of Heidelberg) 
  • Valeria Bizzarri (University of Heidelberg) 
  • Lukas Janas (University of Zagreb) 
  • Michael Brannigan (Providence) 
  • Nicole Miglio (University of San Raffaele)
  • Elodie Boublil (University of Cologne) 
  • Ignaas Devish (Ghent University) 
  • Kristin Zeiler (Linköping University) 
  • Fredrik Svenaeus (Soderntorn University) 
  • Joanna Bornemark (Center for Practical Knowledge) 
  • Jonhathan Sholl (Aahrus University) 
  • Greenfield Bruce (Emory University) 
  • Elodie Boublil (University of Cologne)
  • Jacob Appel (Mount Sinai School of Medicine)
  • Alison Stone (Lancaster University)
  • Stanier Jessie (Exeter University)
  • Kassam Shiren (Winchester University)
  • Elizabeth Fein (Duquesne University)


  • Monthly webinars on Phenomenology of Religious Experience, Cal State University (East Bay) 2016-2018:


  • Martin Nitsche (Czech Academy of Sciences) 
  • John Snarey (Emory University) 
  • Shogo Tanaka (Tokai University) 
  • Michael Torre (University of San Francisco) 
  • Jana Trajtelova (Trnava University) 
  • Angela Ales Bello (Pontificia University) 
  • James Hart (Indiana University) 
  • Javier Carreno Franciscan( University of Steubenville) 
  • Peter Costello (Providence College) 
  • Christopher DuPee (unaffiliated) 
  • Robert Kugelmann( University of Dallas) 
  • Jingjing Li (McGill University)
  • Laurel Meierdiercks (Emory University) 
  • Sam Mickey (University of San Francisco) 
  • Haruhiko Murukawa (Kansai University) 



  • “Phenomenology and Stoicism” Cyprus University, 2022
  • “Bioethics, Well-being and Technology” San Francisco, California State University, 2021
  • “The Meaning of Well-Being”, San Francisco, California State University, 2020
  • “Phenomenology of Religious Experience.” Graduate Theological Union, 11/2016
  • The Divine in Husserl,” guest speaker J. Hart and A. Ales Bello, University of San Francisco, 3/2015
  • Student conference on “Self and Society”, CSU East Bay 12/2015 


Ethics Debate Coaching: organized debates each semester between teams of undergraduate students on philosophical topics including: what is the good, what is the meaning of beauty, and what is the difference between meaning and truth 2010-2014, Loyola University-Rome


Reading Group online on Ancient Philosophy, Carmenta School and Saybrook University, 2013-2014


“Psychology and Phenomenology”, winter school, Ipra, Rome, December, 2013


“Who’s afraid of the Forms”, summer school, University of Calabria, June, 2013


“Phenomenology and Values”, student conference, Rome, July, 2012


“Human Being and Identity”, student conference, Rome, December, 2011


Series of seminars on “Body and Dance Therapy”, Villa Borghese, Rome, 2011-2012.