Schmeltz M and Chandler C. Urban Heat Mapping using Personal Exposure Monitoring: A Pilot Study. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; Nov 8, 2022; Boston, MA. Oral presentation.
California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment – Research Gap Roundtable for Human Health, Culture, & Wellbeing – invited panelist Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program at the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. Sept 30, 2022; Virtual. Available at:
Smith J, Schmeltz M, Turner VK, Horowitz C. Planning and Jurisdictional Issues in Organizing Responses to Extreme Heat Events. Annual Public Health Law Conference: Climate Change - The Challenges for Health, Equity, and the Law. Center for Health Policy and Law, Northeastern University, Boston, MA; April 15, 2022. Oral Presentation.
John Balbus, Jay Lemery, Brittany Shea, and Michael Schmeltz – invited panelist “The Next Climate Horizon: Training Health Professionals Globally for 1.5 Degrees and Beyond” International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Annual Meeting; August 26, 2021.
Schmeltz M, Ganesh C, Smith J, Shea B, and Fadadu R. Higher Education’s Role in Building Climate Change Resilience. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; Oct 27, 2020; Virtual. Oral presentation – Session lead and Moderator.
Schmeltz M, Smith JA, Ganesh C. Advancing Adaptation to Climate Change in the Healthcare Sector – A Policy Analysis. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; Nov 6, 2019; Philadelphia, PA. Oral presentation.
Schmeltz M, Sinha P, Julius S, Truesdale R, Womack D, Eddy M, Doraiswamy P, et al. Assessing Community Vulnerability to Pollutant Releases due to Extreme Events. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; Nov 10, 2018; San Diego, CA. Oral presentation.
Schmeltz M, Gamble J. Challenges and best practices to mapping the vulnerability of human health to climate change. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; Nov 6, 2017; Atlanta, GA. Oral presentation.
Schmeltz M, Palinkas L, Levine C, Pineda-Reyes F, Spector J and Lee C. Health equity and climate change: A collaborative session with APHA Caucuses of under-served communities. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; Nov 1, 2016; Denver, CO. Oral presentation – Session lead and Moderator.
Schmeltz M. Risk characterization of hospitalizations for mental illness and/or behavioral disorders with concurrent heat-related illness. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Annual Meeting; September 1-4, 2016; Rome, Italy. Poster Presentation.
Michael T. Schmeltz – Invited speaker “Climate change and health: An examination of vulnerability mapping methodologies and risk characterization of vulnerable subpopulations” March 10, 2016. Center on Population, Environment, and Health Seminar at Stony Brook University.
Michael T. Schmeltz – Invited speaker “Outcomes of hospitalizations for common illnesses associated with a comorbid heat-related illness” August 28, 2015. Seminar for CUNY Doctor of Public Health Program at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Schmeltz M. Comparing outcomes and hospital resource use of heat- related illness hospitalizations and common co- morbidities in the United States, 2001-2010. Session Title: Global Variation in Heat Related Impacts. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Annual Meeting; August 25, 2014; Seattle, WA. Oral Presentation.
Schmeltz M. Risk factors influencing hospitalizations due to heat-related illnesses: Patterns of hospitalization use during heat events. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; Nov 2, 2013; Boston, MA. Oral presentation.
Michael T. Schmeltz and Sonia K Gonzalez-Gladstein. "Brooklyn after Hurricane Sandy: Resilience and Recovery" May 9, 2013: Brooklyn College, Department of Health and Nutritional Sciences, NY: Presentation and Panel Discussion.
Gonzalez-Gladstein SK, Cowan L & Schmeltz M. Red Hook After Sandy: A critical analysis of a community-based organization's response. Nature, Ecology & Society - Twelfth Annual Colloquium: SuperStorm Sandy: Before, During & After, March 8th, 2013: CUNY Graduate Center New York, NY: Presentation and Panel Discussion.
Schmeltz M. Tobacco product sales and advertisements at pharmacies in selected New York City neighborhoods: An observational study. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; Oct 30, 2012; San Francisco, CA. Poster presentation.
Schmeltz M. Lead contaminated soils: Are urban gardeners being exposed? A pilot study. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; Oct 30, 2012; San Francisco, CA. Poster presentation.