Andrew S. Kelly. “Private Power in Public Programs: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Structural Power of Private Insurance.” Studies in American Political Development (Volume 37, Issue 1: 24-40 January 2023)
Rocco, Philip, Andrew S. Kelly, and Ann Keller. “State Politics and the Uneven Fate of Medicaid Expansion.” Health Affairs 39 (3, 2020): 494-501.
Rocco, Philip and Andrew S. Kelly. “An Engine of Change? The Affordable Care Act and the Shifting Politics of Demonstration Projects.” The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 6(2): 67-84.
Andrew S. Kelly. “Finding Stability and Sustainability in the Trump Era: Medicare and the Affordable Care Act in Historical Perspective,” in American Political Development and the Trump Presidency. Zachary Callen and Philip Rocco, eds.University of Pennsylvania Press (2020)
Andrew S. Kelly and Philip Rocco. “From ‘Trial and Error’ to Major Reform: The Politics of Medicare Demonstration Projects.” Public Administration (Volume 97, No. 3: 621-638. September 2019).
Rocco, Philip, Andrew S. Kelly, and Ann Keller. “Politics at the Cutting Edge: Intergovernmental Policy Innovation in the Affordable Care Act.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism (2018) (
Kelly, Andrew S. and Jaime King. “All Payer Claims Databases: The Balance Between Big Data Utility and Individual Health Privacy.” The Source on Healthcare Price & Competition. October 2017. (Research supported by California Health Care Foundation)
Kelly, Andrew S. “Health Policy in the Trump Era: Will Politics Unmake Policy?” Forum (Volume 15, Issue 2: 345-362. July 2017)
Rocco, Philip, Andrew S. Kelly, Daniel Beland, and Michael Kinane. “The New Politics of US Health Care Prices: Institutional Reconfiguration and the Emergence of All-Payer Claims Databases.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (Volume 42, Number 1: 5-52. February 2017)
Kelly, Andrew S. “Boutique to Booming: Medicare Managed Care and the Private Path to Policy Change.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (Volume 41, Number 3: 315-354. June 2016)
Kelly, Andrew S. “Mistaken for Dead: The Affordable Care Act and the Continued Resilience of Medicare Advantage.” Forum (Volume 13, Issue 1: 143-165. April 2015)
Kelly, Andrew S. and James Mahoney. “Emergence of New World States.” In Stephen Leibfried, Frank Nullmeier, Evelyne Huber, Matthew Lange, Johah Levy, and John D. Stephens, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Kelly, Andrew S. “The Political Development of Scientific Capacity in the United States.” Studies in American Political Development (Volume 28, Issue 1: 1-25. April 2014)