G. T. Reyes, Ph.D. Faculty Profile

Photo of G. Reyes

G.  T.  Reyes, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Educational Leadership

Dr. G.T. Reyes (Taga-Ilog & Kapampangan) is a community-engaged scholar-artist-organizer-PRAXISioner.  His work is grounded in the empowerment of young folks, teachers, school leaders, and cultural workers to radically imagine and build capacity to transform their own realities while both excavating and honoring their ancestral ways of being and becoming. As an Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership for Social Justice Ed.D. program and Preliminary Administrative Credential Services program at California State University, East Bay (CSUEB), he is an active part of cultivating programs that have liberatory potential and power.  His approaches to educational leadership development, research, and professional learning are rooted in critical, socio-cultural, & ethnic studies discourses that forefront culturally sustaining and radical healing pedagogies while also decentering whiteness and coloniality.

In addition to his work in Educational Leadership at CSUEB, he is also the critical pedagogy instructional coach for the INSPIRE program and a co-facilitator with the Anti-Racist Liberatory Pedagogy Academy.

He has worked as a teacher and school leader in K-12 schooling, as an educator and organizational leader in youth development, and as a teacher education and teacher development scholar in higher education.  Some of his work as a public intellectual and community-engaged scholar PRAXISioner investigates Critical, Humanizing, Culturally, and Politically Determined pedagogies and teacher development; Decolonial and Ethnic Studies approaches to principled, socioculturally-grounded, values-centered, higher purpose-driven educational leadership and organizational development; Participatory Action Research and problem of practice inquiry; Art, digital media, and Hip Hop as critical race counter-storytelling; Critical, anti-oppressive, and humanizing frameworks of social and emotional learning; English Language Arts as liberatory education; and Filipinx/a/o American Studies. 

In addition to his work at CSUEB, he coaches school leaders and is also a founding school designer and Board member for the forthcoming The FREEdom School of Homies Empowerment, which aims to welcome "home" formerly incarcerated, gang-impacted/involved, and school-marginalized youth to invoke and reframe the Warrior, Scholar, Hustler, and Healer within and toward a vision of emancipation and self-determination. 

He completed his Post Doctoral Fellowship from Stanford University and his Ph.D. in Language, Literacy, Society, and Culture in Education at the University of California at Berkeley.  

When not at "the Bay," you can find him training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, riding his Harley Deluxe, or kicking it in the Town with his partner, Pilar, and 2 beautiful children, Mayarí and Davao.

But at the end of the day, "Dr. G" is known for standing.  Standing up.  Standing with. Standing for.  Standing on the corner of the block professing truths and street wisdoms that don’t stop. Standing on rocks. Standing from seeds sown by those who came before.  Standing in concrete fields with new seeds in hand to plant more.  Roses.  He knows his place in standing in the pages of history is because history is not predetermined – it is a time of possibility.  Standing tall so he could see.  Standing to the side so you could be.  And become. He stands. He don’t run. He stands. But never in the back of the bus.  He stands because he must.