Eric Haas, J.D., Ph.D. Faculty Profile

Photo of Eric Haas

Eric  Haas, J.D., Ph.D.

Professor, Director of Ed Leadership Doctoral Program

Department of Educational Leadership

Eric Haas is a Professor of Educational Leadership and Director of the Doctorate in Educational Leadership for Social Justice Program.  Dr. Haas has been in education for nearly 30 years. He started as a teacher and science center director, working as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia, West Africa. Since then, he has worked as a teacher in London and Caracas, Venezuela, a teacher and principal in Phoenix, Arizona, a senior researcher at WestEd, and a faculty member or instructor at six universities before coming to Cal State East Bay. During his career, Dr. Haas has conducted research and program evaluations, managed schools, classrooms and research teams, and directed trainings of teachers, graduate students and community leaders. His research interests are in the legal rights and education experiences of English learners, promoting school reform, and the process of education policy change, with a focus on the influence of unconscious mental models on conscious decision-making. He has been the principal investigator of an IES Goal 3 evaluation of the WRITE English learner writing program and the lead evaluator of the Lindsay USD (CA) Race to the Top grant for developing their personalized performance based learning system. His work has been published in Educational Administration Quarterly, the Bilingual Research Journal, and the American Educational Research Journal, among others. Dr. Haas is currently finishing his second book, which concerns best practices for educating English learners with learning disabilities. Dr. Haas received his B.S. in electrical engineering from Notre Dame, a law degree from The Catholic University of America, and an MEd in Curriculum and Instruction and a PhD in Educational Leadership from Arizona State University.