Computer Science Major Requirements (72 units)
Lower Division Coursework
The following 31 units of foundation coursework are required. Students must complete all of these required courses with a grade of C- or above:
CS 101 - Computer Science I Units: 4
CS 201 - Computer Science II Units: 4
CS 211 - Discrete Structures Units: 3
CS 221 - Assembly Language and Computer Architecture Units: 3
CS 230 - Computing and Social Responsibility Units: 3; GE/GR Area: D1-3
MATH 130 - Calculus I Units: 4; GE/GR Area: B4
MATH 131 - Calculus II Units: 3
MATH 225 - Numerical Algorithms and Linear Algebra for Computer Science Units: 3
PHYS 135 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I Units: 4 ; GE/GR Area: B1, B3
Upper Division Coursework
Students must complete all 29 units of upper-division courses with a grade of C- or above:
CS 301 - Data Structures and Algorithms Units: 4
CS 311 - Programming Language Concepts Units: 3
CS 321 - Computer Architecture Units: 3
CS 401 - Software Engineering Units: 4
CS 411 - Automata and Computation Units: 3
CS 413 - Analysis of Algorithms Units: 3
CS 421 - Operating Systems Units: 3
CS 441 - Computer Networks Units: 3
STAT 316 - Statistics and Probability for Science and Engineering Units: 3
Computer Science Breadth Coursework
Students must complete two (2) courses of the following for 6 units:
CS 351 - Website Development Units: 3
CS 431 - Database Architecture Units: 3
CS 453 - Mobile Programming Units: 3
CS 455 - Computer Graphics Units: 3
CS 461 - Artificial Intelligence Units: 3
CS 471 - Security and Information Assurance Units: 3
Elective Courses
Students must take two (2) courses with the CS prefix numbered 300 or above for a minimum of 6 units. Courses must not be the same as those already used. Note: 1-3 units of CS 498 Cooperative Education and/or 1-3 units of CS 490 Independent Study may be used to fulfill the Electives category.
Other Undergraduate Degree Requirements
In addition to major requirements, every student must also complete the University’s baccalaureate requirements for graduation, which are described in the Requirements, Exams & Testing chapter of this Catalog.