Faculty/Staff Spotlight

Issue 6, January 21, 2023
HPN Funded for 5 years!
Congratulations to Dr. Carolyn Nelson (PI) and Executive Director Edgar Chavez! Downtown Hayward Promise Neighborhood won $30MM over a five year period to expand its footprint and impact in Hayward. Meanwhile, we are increasing the college’s formal partnerships with HPN through grants that are being implemented and proposed. Thank you to Edgar, in particular, for your leadership!
Rob Williams
Faculty Spotlight
Castro Valley USD Residency Program
The CVUSD has partnered with TED (Secondary) and SPED to establish a Teacher Residency planning grant. This effort should lead to a successful implementation Teacher Residency grant later this year. Congrats to CVUSD and to the faculty who will be in partnership.
Congratulations Talya Kemper!
Press Release: On December 2, 2022 the Department of Developmental Services announced its intent to award $710,000 to the California State University Long Beach Research Foundation to fund an initiative of the California Inclusive College Alliance (ICA). The ICA initiative will establish Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE) pilot programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities at six CSU campuses: CSULong Beach, CSU-San Jose, CSU-San Marcos, CSU-Northridge, San Francisco State, and CSU-East Bay.
Dr. Mari Gray in the media!
Release: On Friday, January 27th at 9 am, Dr. Mari Gray will appear live on Insight, which is a public radio show. She will be talking about her most recent work, the Great Migration Study, including the historical findings, and implications for the state and local area. Dr. Gray says that she is thankful for the additional funding that was provided by the College of Education and Allied Studies last Spring 2022.
Much More Faculty and Staff News Forthcoming!
Staff ARC Conference
Dear Administrative Staff, A great opportunity to network and engage in CSU-specific professional development will be afforded by attending ARC May 30-June 2, 2023. Early Bird Registrations only will be accepted – due by February 28, 2023. The College will pay for your attendance.

Issue 5, November 18, 2022
IDC Coming to the College
$26,000 in IDC is coming to CEAS this year. These funds will rollover until expended. Thank you to our faculty members who generate more than 10% in IDC, which is the threshold for the college receiving IDC. Individual faculty members will be contacted to alert them of specific IDC amounts allocated to them in support of their grants. Much gratitude to our faculty who have generated funding so that the college can support prospective and ongoing research and creative activities.
Staff Spotlight
Welcome back to Marla Anderson, our former Cred Analyst extraordinaire. She is now a lecturer in both EPSY and TED on Assigned Time.
Welcome to CEAS to Philip Darmstaedter and Adam-Ray Bernados who have joined our administrative staff in the Education Collaborative. Welcome to Emily Zambrano who is the Lab Tech for the Department of Kinesiology. If you meet her, you will discover that she will do a fantastic job leading and managing the labs. Welcome!
Talya Kemper (TED) Spotlight
Let us re-acknowledge Talya Kemper who is partnered with Elena Dukhovny (SLHS). A year ago, they won a five- year training grant called LISTEN, funded by the U.S. Department of Education. This grant that provides funding for graduate SPED students per year
Rob Williams
Staff ARC Conference
Dear Staff, A great opportunity to network and engage in CSU-specific professional development will be afforded by attending ARC May 30-June 2, 2023. Early Bird Registrations only will be accepted – due by February 28, 2023. The College will pay for your attendance.

Issue 4, November 10, 2022
Flowers to the Strategic Planning Committee and CEAS Community
Everyone should get their flowers – a popular statement in sports these days. The members of the Strategic Planning Committee put together another solid JEDI experience for the college. We talked about our own power in using counter-narratives to challenge stereotypes, bias, racism, heternormativity, and the like. Yet again, all attendees showed amazing courage and vulnerability as they worked through their own experiences. Thank you. Next First Friday Forum is December 2nd, led by Dr. Kate Strom.
Staff Spotlight
I want to acknowledge all of the staff for putting together a warm and engaging Staff Luncheon. Whoever chose the caterer is a saint! The food was awesome. The decorations and set up were on point. The conversations that I had were so engaging and fun. You are an amazing group of staff and you deserve to be centered and celebrated. Please join me in celebrating our awesome staff!
Rob Williams
SWEET (Staff Wellness, Enrichment and Engagement Team)
Please take a look at a recent November 8th announcement from President Sandeen, where she announced the formation of S.W.E.E.T. Dr. Sandeen is committing time and resources to boost morale and center our staff in that effort. Look for more actions that come out of that committee.
Rob Williams
Staff ARC Conference
Dear Staff, A great opportunity to network and engage in CSU-specific professional development will be afforded by attending ARC May 30-June 2, 2023. Early Bird Registrations only will be accepted – due by February 28, 2023. The College will pay for your attendance.

Issue 3, November 4, 2022
We have an incredibly accomplished and prolific faculty in CEAS. Each week, their accomplishments and productivity will be highlighted.
Adjunct Professor Frances Sedayao won the Jefferson Award
Congratulations to Frances Sedayao, who won the Jefferson Award for her extensive and impactful volunteer work in Fremont! Professor Sedayao was featured on local news for her achievement. Please join me in celebrating this accomplishment.
Rob Williams
Quick Acknowledgement
Thanks to the more than half dozen KIN faculty and the three staff members that I incidentally encountered while taking my afternoon walk. I find it energizing to have random conversations that I hope connect us to one another. Also, thanks to Becky Beal for allowing me to visit her upper-division class and just say “hi.” That was pretty cool.
Rob Williams
Staff ARC Conference
Dear Staff, A great opportunity to network and engage in CSU-specific professional development will be afforded by attending ARC May 30-June 2, 2023. Early Bird Registrations only will be accepted – due by February 28, 2023. The College will pay for your attendance.

Issue 2, October 24, 2022
We have incredibly accomplished and prolific faculty in CEAS. Each week, their accomplishments and productivity will be highlighted.
The McNair Scholars Program is BACK!
Congratulations to Jenny O for bringing the McNair Scholars program back to Cal State East Bay! This is an incredibly competitive federal grant to win. And I will say it for Dr. O – Perfect score! This grant along with her work in the Center for Student Research will provide enormous support for our students, especially those that need it the most. And this grant seamlessly connects to other work being done in the college, such as the Kinesiology Research Group. The CSR and McNair Scholars are housed in Robinson Hall. Congratulations!
Staff ARC Conference
Dear Staff, A great opportunity to network and engage in CSU-specific professional development will be afforded by attending ARC May 30-June 2, 2023. Early Bird Registrations only will be accepted due by February 28, 2023. The College will pay for your attendance.

Issue 1, October 14, 2022
We have incredibly accomplished and prolific faculty in CEAS. Each week, their accomplishments and productivity will be highlighted.
Tenure & Promotion
Congratulations to Professor Vanessa Yingling, who was promoted to Full Professor!
Congratulations to three of our professors who were promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. This is no small matter. We welcome you to a permanent seat at the table.
Dr. Mariama Gray
Dr. Talya Kemper
Dr. Erick Kong
On Sabbatical
Dr. Li-Ling Chen
Dr. Kathryn Hayes
Dr. Lyn Scott
A very long list of accolades is forthcoming. Please continue to congratulate our colleagues!
Open Faculty Positions
Thank you to all faculty who are volunteering your time to lead searches for five new colleagues.
Asst/Assoc Professor in Reading and Language
Asst/Assoc Professor in Educational Technology
Department Chair (external/internal search)
Asst Professor in School Counseling
Asst Professor in Exercise Physiology or Exercise Psychology
Open Staff Positions
Big shout out to the staff and Chris Chamberlain for continuing our nearly 8 month effort to fill all staff positions. This has been quite a journey.